Church of God
The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) was founded by Charles Harrison Mason after he was expelled from the Baptist Church for his Pentecostal beliefs. -
Where Mason attended
Mason attended the Azusa Street Revival, where he fully embraced Pentecostal teachings and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. -
How COGIC grew quickly
COGIC quickly grew and became the largest African American Pentecostal denomination. -
How COGIC quickly grew
COGIC quickly grew and became the largest African American Pentecostal denomination. -
After Bishops Masons death
After Bishop Mason’s death, the church had leadership changes but continued to expand. -
Establishing the Mason Theological Seminary
COGIC established the Mason Theological Seminary, strengthening its focus on education. -
Convocation was held
The 100th Holy Convocation was held, celebrating a century of COGIC’s impact. -
Present Day
COGIC is still one of the biggest Pentecostal denominations, known for its focus on holiness, spiritual gifts, and spreading the gospel.