May 16, 1048
the birth of israel
The creation of israel in 1948 complicated U.S efforts to rettain friends in the persian gulf. in the aftermath of the holocaust, the jewish quest for a homeland gained support in the united states. -
May 16, 1200
judaism kingdom
738BC jewish people splited into 2 kingdoms for 200 years israel in north and judah in the south was paying tribute to the assyrian empire. they spilted because some some lived in different part of the place when others didnt so they had to make two kingdoms. -
return to cann
1020-970BC united under 3 able kings -
Imperialism in the Middle East: britian in power
Since the early 1800s, britian had been the leading power in the Middle east. Since britian was the leading power in Middle East they tried to bring christinaty and anything they wanted. -
Imperialism In The Middle East
penetration of Egypt Muhammad Ali built a modern state in Turkish held Egypt that attracted European traders. He drafted the peasants, reformed the government, and improved communications. The peasants lost out because the land was converted from self-sufficient farms to large, private landholdings to grow cash crops for export. Ismail continued the modernization of Egypt, including the completion of the Suez Canal, but also drew the country deeply into debt. To prevent Egypt from going bankrupt -
IRAN: shah out of there
1951 popular pressure forced the shah to appoint mossadegh as prime minster. they decided they need a new prime minster instead of shah because it might make a change for them. -
israel in 1967
In May 1967, in brazen violation of previous truce agreements, Egypt ordered U.N. peacekeepers out of the Sinai, marched 120,000 troops to the Israeli border, blockaded Eilat (Israel's southern outlet to the world's oceans), abruptly signed a military pact with Jordan and, together with Syria, pledged war for the final destruction of Israel. -
Christianity inChina
Christianity in China is a growing minority religion that comprises Protestants The growth of the faith has been particularly significant since the loosening of restrictions on religion by the People's Republic since the economic reform in the late 1970s. Religious practices are still often tightly controlled by government authorities. Chinese over age 18 in the PRC are permitted to be involved with officially sanctioned Christian meetings through the "China Christian Council -
Imperialism in the Middle East: destroying the oil embrago
in mid-octobor 1973 saudi arabian king faisal Ibn Saud, a solid U.S. ally. initiated the oil embrago. he did this to tell US a message that he doesnt want the US to come take oil form there and this is why the Us doesnt like them either. -
Christianity & Israel
The varying religions and beliefs of the peoples of the world have been classified by historians both racially and geographically. it is, in general, understood that the peoples of China, Japan, Siam, Burma, etc., are Buddhists; that Brahminism and Hinduism are found among the peoples of India; that Mohammedanism has its world centre in Arabia, and that Judaism is the faith of dispersed world Jewry. If one asks where Christianity is centred the answer is, obviously, in Britain and America, that -
how did the first gulf war lead to ttalks between israel and neihbores
the first persian gurl war in 1990 shook the intire middle east -
Islam vs. Christianity
Today, most Christians believe in the Trinity, meaning that God has 3 forms (Father, Son, Holy Ghost/ Spirit). The concept of trinity was not adopted by Christianity until the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Some of the early Christians were Unitarians. Even today, there are Christian Unitarian churches that do not accept the Trinity. According to Wikipedia, notable Rationalist Unitarians include thinkers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson (American), as well as famous figures such as Florence Nightingal -
ISRAEL: Put dedline to the negotiaters
Isaeil and palestinian negotiaters were scheduled to conclude a comprehensive, final agreement by may 1999. political developments in the region put that deadline out of reach and the entire peace process in dobut. they werent sure if they will make any peace so they put a lot of time to make sure they do. -
Judaism religion
Judaism is one of the oldest religions still existing today. It began as the religion of the small nation of the Hebrews, and through thousands of years of suffering, persecution, dispersion, and occasional victory, has continued to be a profoundly influential religion and culture. Today, 14 million people identify themselves as Jewish. Modern Judaism is a complex phenomenon that incorporates both a nation and a religion, and often combines strict adherence to ritual laws with a more liberal att -
Israel vs. Iran war off, for the moment
ran is building a nuclear weapons program while pretending it’s a nuclear energy program, yet still rattling its saber and ranting about the eradication of Israel. A nation which, given its history of other countries trying to destroy it with deeds not words, has a habit of not just sitting around waiting for doom to arrive — very un-Jewish of them in that regard — so has been making noise that it will strike Iran first, if need be. -
ISRAEL: ne settelments might help
n 2010, the united states, Russia, the UN, and the European Union called on Israel to halt construction of new settlements, which they see as an obstacle to peace talks. in recent history there are still peace talks needed for israel and the othere nabghor. -
Will Israel strike Iran?
well-connected analyst in Israel is speculating that Israel may launch a preemptive strike against Iran in order to eradicate Iran’s nuclear weapon program. -
Period: to
israel's creation plant
The Zionists viewed the UN partition plan as thier best hope for a jewish state and accepted it the arab world did not fearing that arabs who were in the majorit would become subjects to a minority immigration population. -
Violence As Palestinians Mark ‘Catastrophe’ of Israel’s Founding
West Bank — Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli soldiersPalestinians marked the “Nakba” — meaning “catastrophe” in Arabic — their name for the founding of Israel 64 years ago. -
Israel's policies in the West Bank endanger two-state solution
The 27 foreign ministers of the European Union published on Monday a strong denunciation of Israel's policies in the West Bank. The announcement, reported for the first time by Haaretz, says that Israel's policies pose a threat to a two-state solution." -
Christianity in India
Whenever I introduced myself as a Catholic priest from India, many Americans asked me questions like: "Do you have many Christians in India?" "Is not India a Hindu country?" "When did Christianity come to India?" "When did you get converted to Catholicism?" "Are your parents Catholics?" Some were surprised to hear the fact that India is not a Hindu country but the largest secular democratic country in the world with religious freedom, and that there are many Muslims and Christians in India. Some -
Islam and ChristianityThe Koran vs. The Bible
In the account of creation recorded in the book of Genesis, God speaks plurally of His own Person. (Genesis 1:26, 27; cp. Genesis 3:22; 11:7; Isaiah 6:3, 8) -
Islam vs. Christianity, the Coming Holy War
"Islam vs Christianity in Bible Prophecy" is very Christian, while acknowledging that much of Christianity has not, and will not act in Christ-like ways, yet there have always been some true Christians. The same is true with Islam. Some are true followers of God (as in Romans 2:11-16) while most are not true followers of God, like in Christianity. This presentation and understanding of Daniel 11 is an attempt to stay true to the message of Daniel's prophetic text. In this 10-part seminar you wil -
Imperialism in the Middle East: US and Soviet Union relationship
by 1948, the hostility between the united states and the soviet union seemed frozen in place. US stopped war with Soviet Union and started helping Israel because they wanted oil and were going to do anything to get that oil. -
IRAN: over throw for power
CIA and british secret services bribed a small group of iranians to instigate a coup(over throw someone for power). they did this so they can see if they can get more oil i think because they also want oil and lots of oil. -
IRAN: US getting involved
1950 united states provided more then $500 million in military aid to the shah. the united states did this because they wanted more oil and if they did these there is a better chance for the soviet union to loose.