
Night by Elie Wiesel

By aalyseg
  • Eliezer Wiesel is Born

    Eliezer Wiesel is Born
    On September 30, Elie Wiesel is born in Sighet, Transylvania.
  • The Chancellor of Germany

    The Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933, and the Nazi Party takes control over Germany's government. Dachau, the very first permanent concentration camp is formed.
  • The Nuremberg Race Laws

    The Nuremberg Race Laws
    The Nuremberg Race Laws against Jews are put into action, robbing Jews of German citizenship.
  • War is Declared

    War is Declared
    Germany invades Poland, starting World War II in Europe. Great Britain, France, and the British Dominions declare war on Germany following immediately after.
  • Kristallnacht- "The Night of Broken Glass"

    Kristallnacht- "The Night of Broken Glass"
    Kristallnacht, the widespread destruction of Jewish synagogues, businesses, and homes takes place.
  • Star of David Armbands

    Star of David Armbands
    In Piotrków, Poland, the very first ghetto is established. The Jewish people are forced to wear armbands with the Star of David in view.
  • Britain and France

    Britain and France
    After Hitler violates the Munich Agreement by both invading and destroying Czechoslovakia, Britain and France guarantee the integrity of Poland's borders.
  • Wiesel Family in Hungary

    Wiesel Family in Hungary
    Elie Wiesel and his family become moved to and become residents of Hungary.
  • Auschwitz Establishment

    Auschwitz Establishment
    Germany conquers Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, and the Auschwitz concentration camp, the biggest and most notorious concentration camp, is officially established.
  • The Axis

    The Axis
    Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia join the German-Italian alliance, known as the 'Axis'. Ghettos are sealed off in German-occupied Poland by German officers.
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    Nazi Germany attacks the Soviet Union.
  • Reinhard Heydrich

    Reinhard Heydrich
    Nazi chief Reinhard Heydrich is given the authority to plan and coordinate a solution to the "Jewish Question."
  • US Entrance

    US Entrance
    The US enters World War II.
  • Elie and The Kabbalah

    Elie and The Kabbalah
    Twelve-year-old Elie Wiesel begins studying the Kabbalah. He meets with Moshe the Beadle who helps him study as he dives deeper into his religion.
  • Elie arrives at Auschwitz

    Elie arrives at Auschwitz
    Elie arrives at Aushwitz concentration camp. Over three million people were killed here.
  • Buna

    Elie arrives at Buna; a labour camp.
  • Deportation of All Jews

    Deportation of All Jews
    On Pentecost, the Jewish are shoved onto freight trains and sent off to concentration camps.
  • Elie is Tattooed

    Elie is Tattooed
    Elie is given the number A-7713. Elie refused to show his tattoo to the public through out his life.
  • Evacuation Plan

    Evacuation Plan
    Elie gets surgery to remove pus from his foot. Soon after, the camp must be evacuated because the Russians are approaching Auschwitz. Elie is given a choice to leave the concentration camp, or stay with his father in the infirmary. Fearing the camp would be blown up, he evacuates the camp. Were Elie to have stayed behind, he would have been liberated by the Russians two days later.
  • Auschwitz is Liberated

    Auschwitz is Liberated
    Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz.
  • Juliek's Passing

    Juliek's Passing
    Elie, while caught in a stampede, finds his friend Juliek. Elie becomes suffocated. When he wakes up, he finds Juliek dead and laid over a broken violin.
  • Chlomo's Passing

    Chlomo's Passing
    Elie wakes up that morning finding that Chlomo, his father, is gone. He was sent to the crematorium.
  • Liberation of Buchenwald

    Liberation of Buchenwald
    Buchenwald is liberated by US troops, saving 16-year-old Elie and the rest of the Jewish people held in captivity there,
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders.
  • WWII Ends

    WWII Ends
    World War II in Europe ends.
  • Hiroshima

    The Pacific War ends. Japan surrenders after the atomic bomb was dropped on them in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August from the US.
  • Night

    Elie releases the book 'Night', telling the story of his life during World War II.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    Elie Wiesel won a Nobel Peace prize for educating the community and world about humanity and fighting evil through his many interviews and books and efforts to create peace.