The Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Washington founded the Tuskegee Institute
Jane Addam established the Hull House
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Depression of the 1890s
The Platt Amendment
The start of the Cuban War for Independence
Anti-Imperialist League
The Spanish American War
Charlotte Perkins Gilman published Women and Economics
Period: to
The united States acquired Guam, hawaii, the philippines, and puerto Rico
The Teller Amendment
Declared that Cuba ought to be free and independent -
President McKinley was assassinated
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
Roosevelt established the Department of Commerce and Labor
Russian invasion of Manchuria
Pure Food and Drug Act
U.S. intervention in Nicaragua
U.S. exports had increased to 1.7 billion dollars
Clayton Antitrust Act
The Mexican Revolution
Sixteenth Amendment
The Panama Canal opened
The start of WWI
The Universal negro Improvement Association
The National Association of Colored Women grows to 50,000 members
The Eighteenth Amendment is Ratified
Espionage Act
The Nineteenth Amendment is passed
Selective Service act
Russian Revolution
Treeaty of Versailles
War Industries Board
Sedition Act
Start of the Influenza Pandemic
Harlem Renaissance
Teapot Done Scandal
Schenck v United States
Sacco And Vanetti Case
Kellogg Briand Pact
Sheppard Towner Act
National Origins Act
Indian Citizenship Act
Great Depression
1929 Economic Crash
Blact Tuesday
Blact Tuesday
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Scottsboro Nine
Glass-Steagall Act
Twenty first Amendment
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tydings-McDuffie Act
The Social Security Act
The Works Progress Administration
National Labor Relations Act
Fair labor Standards Act
The Yalta Conference
The start of the Cold War
The Potsdam Conference