Referral is made
A referral to Special Education can be made by a parent, classroom teacher, or other individual who suspects that a student has a disability and may require special education services. If the referral is made by an individual other than a parent, the parent(s) will be notified of the referral, in writing, immediately. -
Disposition of referral
Once a referral has been made, the school has up to 15 calendar days to schedule a disposition meeting. At this meeting, information will be presented to the team, addressing concerns that propmted the initiation of the referral. If the team feels that there is reason to look further, written consent for evaluation will be requested at this time. -
Consent obtained and the next step begins
Once the parent(s) of the referred student signs the consent to evaluate forms, the school district has up to 45 calendar days to conduct any and all pertinent evaluations. These evaluations are performed by certified or licensed evaluators, at no cost to the family. -
A Written Prior Notice will be sent home following Special Education team meetings. These notices provide information regarding the team's plans and determinations. -
Option to request evaluation summaries
If a parent would like to review evaluation summaries prior to the IEP meeting, they may do so, in writing, up to 5 days prior to the team meeting. -
Eligibility Determination Meeting
The IEP team will gather to review evaluation results and determine if the student is eligible for Special Education. To be eligible, the student must have a disability that is considered to have an impact on their full access to their education. The student will be identified with one or more disabilities from a classification list. -
IEP Development
If a student is found to be eligible for Special Education services then the team has up to 30 calendar days to draft an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). The initial IEP does not become effective until parent signature(s) are obtained to show acceptance of the plan and least restrictive placement. -
Ongoing monitoring
Once the student's IEP is in place, parents, educators, and other individuals who support the student, will continue to monitor progress and ensure that the student's educational needs are being met. If concerns arise, the team can meet to review progress and address those concerns. -
IEP Review
A student's IEP will be reviewed/revised at least once per calendar year. The IEP team can meet to amend the IEP at any time prior to that calendar year renewal. Parents need to be informed of meetings at least 10 days prior to their happening. -
Triennial Review
The student's IEP is reviewed at least annually but, if still receiving Special Education services, will be re-evaluated every 3 years.