Period: 500 BCE to 380
Elder Sophists (First Instructional Technologists)
Protagoras of Abdera
Gorgias of Leontini
Prodikos of Ceos
Thrasymachus -
450 BCE
Socratic Method of Instruction
Give-and-take conversation -
Period: 1101 to 1300
An intellectual movement that flourished in Europe -
Sic et Non Published
Period: to
Johann Amos Comenius
Comenius wanted to end the custom of providing education according to social status rather than ability. He is considered one of the first true forerunners of modern educational technology. -
The World in Pictures Published
"Visual aid" textbook was written specifically for children who were studying Latin and sciences and was the most popular illustrated textbook even written for children. -
Period: to
Joseph Lancaster
Joseph Lancaster developed the Lancasterian Monitorial Instruction where he applied what he learned by studying the constructional of special classrooms that would make the most effective use of instructional media and student grouping. -
First School Museum Opens
First school museum was opened in St. Louis (provided supplementary curriculum materials) -
Visual Education Published
Keystone View Company published Visual Education -
Adoption of Films in Public Schools
Public school system of Rochester, NY became the first to adopt films for regular instructional use. -
Period: to
Visual Instruction Movement Grows
Period: to
Audiovisual Instruction Movement
Visualizing the Curriculum
Visualizing the Curriculum by Hoban, Hoban, and Zissman was published which talked about the value of audiovisual material was a function of their degree of realism. -
Division of Visual Aids for War Training
Division of Visual Aids for War Training was established and produced 457 training films for the US military. -
Communication Process was the Process
The communication process considered all elements of the communication process and not just focus on the medium. -
Period: to
Growth of Instructional TV
Two factors help contribute to the growth of instructional television including the setting aside by the Federal Communication Commission of educational channels (242) and the Ford Foundation funding. -
Period: to
Computer-Assisted Instruction
Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) done by researchers by IBM. -
Period: to
Program Instruction Movement
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues published the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. There was a focus on tests should be designed to measure each of these types of outcomes. -
Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction
Robert Mager wrote Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction to help teach educators on how to write objectives with the three major elements. -
Criterion-Referenced Measures
Robert Glaser used the term criterion-referenced measures where the focus is to assess student entry-level behavior and to determine the extent to which students had acquired the behaviors. -
The Conditions of Learning
The Conditions of Learning by Robert Gagne was published which discussed the five domains of instructional technology. -
Heinich's View
Heinich added teachers believed teachers should be viewed on an equal footing with instructional media -
Educational Technology Term Used
The terms of educational technology and instructional technology began to replace audiovisual instruction. -
Period: to
Performance Technology Movement
Education Recognizes the Power of Games
"With computer games demonstrating inherent abilities to engage users, articles start to appear exploring possible uses. In 1981, Thomas W. Malone released Toward a Theory of Intrinsically Motivating Instruction and Heuristics for Designing Enjoyable User Interfaces," (TeachThought). "A brief history of gamification in education." https://www.teachthought.com/education/a-brief-history-of-gamification-in-education/ -
Definition of Educational Technology Changes
Reiser and Gagne added the physical means via which instruction is presented to learners to the definition of educational technology -
Computers for instructional purposes was introduced. -
A collection of similar views of learning and instruction -
Period: to
Electronic Performance Support Systems
Rapid growth in the use and development of electronic performance support systems. -
Period: to
Distance Learning Courses
Distance learning courses at higher education courses in higher education courses rose along with percentage of instructions offering distance learning courses rose. -
Knowledge Managment
Gamification is Born
"Nick Pelling coins the ‘deliberately ugly’ word, gamification. With a name, the history of gamification truly begins," (TeachThought). "A brief history of gamification in education." https://www.teachthought.com/education/a-brief-history-of-gamification-in-education/ -
Added Event: Major Trends in 2019
Big Data, Machine Learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) were the biggest educational technology trends during 2019. Source: Bui, Sean. (2020). Top Educational Technology Trends In 2020-2021. https://elearningindustry.com/top-educational-technology-trends-2020-2021 -
COVID-19 Changes Education
"Distance learning became the top 2020 educational technology trend overnight because of the rapid spread of COVID-19. This led to a rising demand for online educational platforms. eLearning is education or training delivered electronically," (Bui, 2020) Source: Bui, Sean. (2020). Top Educational Technology Trends In 2020-2021. https://elearningindustry.com/top-educational-technology-trends-2020-2021