
The Age of Napoleon

  • Napoleon is born

    Napoleon is born
    Napoleon was born on the french island Corsica. When he was 9 he went to France to train for a military career.
  • Start of the French Revolution

    Start of the French Revolution
    When the French Revolution began, Napoleon was a 20 year old lieutenant. He fvored the Jacobins because he believed they were the winning side.
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    The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was a period of about a year when the commity of public safety guillotined over 16,000 people suspected of not being loyal to the Revolution. It was a very paranoid time
  • Battle of Toulon

    Battle of Toulon
    Rebels against he revolution handed the port of Toulon over to the British. Napoeon's forces drove the British out of Toulon. This is Napoleon's first great victory
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    Egyptian campaign

    The egyptian campaign was a way for Napoleon to widen his fame and ego. The campaign started well with the Battle of the Pyramids, but ended badly at sea against a fleet of British naval ships. Napoleon kept this failiure a secret from France using spies and censorship.
  • 18 Brumaire coup

    18 Brumaire coup
    Napoleon overthrows the directory and replaces it with the french consulate governing board
  • First Consul for Life plebiscite (vote)

    First Consul for Life plebiscite (vote)
    A plebiscite or balot was hold to see if Napoleon would be First Consul for Life. Napoleon won the vote by a very large amount. This made NApoleon the most powerful person in France
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic Code was a reform that reflected revolutionary ideas like freedom of religion, equality before the law, and abolition of fuedalism. But, it also made women lose many of the rights they had gained.
  • Napoleons Coronation

    Napoleons Coronation
    Napoleon chose the title of emperor for himself to strengthen his ego. Over all the coronation was not impressive at all and not as grand Napoleon had hoped it to be. It was a demonstration of power.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    In the Battle of Trafalgar, the superior British navy destroyed the combined spanish and french forces. The british under the command of Admiral Lord Nelson did not lose a single ship.
  • The Battle of Austerlitz

    The Battle of Austerlitz
    In the Battle of Austerlitz, Emperor Napoleon I defeated the Russain and Austrian armies commanded by Tsar Alexander and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II. It resulted in a treaty between Austria and France, and in Austria losing land to France.
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    Continental System

    The continental system was a blockade that Napoleon set up to block trade with the British. This would eventually lead to the invasion of Russia that would mean Napoleon's defeat.
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    Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War began when Napoleon invaded Portugal to enforce the continental system. Napoleon then placed his brother as king of Spain. The spanish revolted against french rule using guerrilla warfare, encouraging the British to send forces to the Iberian Peninsula. Without Spain as an ally, the following war would lead to Napoleons downfall.
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    Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon invaded Russia with his grand army in hopes to force Alexander to negotiate. The Russians retreated burning down moscow in order to starve the grand army. That winter, the french army lost the majority of its troops
  • Retreat from Moscow

    Retreat from Moscow
    Napoleon retreated from a Burning, deserted Moscow because he knew his army would not survive the winter. During the retreat, the french were harrased by russian troops.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    Napoleon's forces fought against the Russians, Prussians, Swedish, and Austrian armies eventualy leading to Napoleon's overwhelming defeat in battle. Napoleon fled to France, and eventualy was abdicated.
  • Exhile to Elba

    Exhile to Elba
    Napoeleon was exhiled to Elba under the Treaty of Fontainebleau, which allowed him to rule Elba.
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    Hundred Days

    Napoleon escaped Elba and returned to France, regaining the title Emperor for about a hundred days. This ended with the the Battle of Waterloo and Napoleon's permanent exhile.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    In Waterloo, Belguim, the combined forces of the British and the prussians, defeated Napoleon for the last time. Napoleon was forced to abdicate, this time for good.
  • Exile to St Helena

    Exile to St Helena
    The british would not make the mistake of putting Napoleon in Elba again. On St Helena Napoleon lived in a manor where he died.
  • Death

    Napoleon died when he was 52, possibly because of stomach cancer. He was depressed at the time of his death, because of the boring life he lead after his exile. He died in longwood manor.