The Evolution of Forensic Science

  • Period: 44 BCE to

    They First Autopsy

    The earliest known autopsy is believed to have been performed on Julius Caesar in 44 BC after his assassination. The purpose of this autopsy was to determine the cause of death, which was found to be a fatal stab wound to the aorta
  • Period: 1493 to

    The First Use of Toxicology

    Although the history of poison dates to the earliest times, the study and the science of toxicology can be traced to Paracelsus (1493–1541) and Orfila (1757–1853). Modern toxicology is characterized by sophisticated scientific investigation and evaluation of toxic exposures.
  • Period: to

    The First Use of Ballistic Analysis

    Forensic firearm examination, or ballistic analysis, as a recognized field, emerged in the 1830s with the first documented case in 1835, and gained significant traction in the early 20th century with the establishment of the Bureau of Forensic Ballistics in 1925