The First World War and the Russian Revolution

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    The German Empire signs an agreement with Austria-Hungary and Italy, the Triple Alliance.
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    American annexations.
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    Russo-Japanese War over Manchuria.
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    The Algeciras Conference.
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    France, the UK, and Russia join forces to create a mutual pact, the Triple Entente.
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    Austria-Hungary occupies Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia.
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    Uprising in southern Morocco.
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    The Balkan War begins.
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    The Balkan War end.
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    1914- 28/06

    Assassination of Francisco Fernando in Sarajevo. Austria-Hungary blames the Serbs for his death, and war breaks out.
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    1914- 28/07

    The Austro-Hungarians began hostilities with an attempted invasion of Serbia.
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    1914- Aug

    The war is welcomed by many people. Young Germans take to the streets, singing nationalist songs to celebrate their army's preparations for war.
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    Italy and Bulgaria join the war.
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    The Battle of Verdun took place, the longest battle of the First World War. The Battle of the Somme also took place that year.
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    1917- Feb

    The February Revolution of 1917 in the Russian Empire marked the first stage of the Russian Revolution.
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    1917- Mar

    Nicholas II abdicated the throne. The end of the monarchy.
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    1917- Apr

    It was the first serious conflict between the Russian Provisional Government and the Soviet after their creation during the February Revolution.
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    1917- Oct

    The October Revolution takes place in Russia. The Red Army loses, and the assembly is dissolved and a dictatorship is imposed.
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    1917- Nov

    The October Revolution comes to an end.
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    1918- Mar

    The Battle of the Kaiser, the largest single attack of the entire war. Germany then retreated.
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    1918- Nov

    An armistice was signed, bringing the war to an end.
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    1919- Jan

    The German Communist Party is founded.
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    1919- Jun

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed.
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    The Russian Civil War ends.
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    The Ottoman Empire is officially dissolved.