
The Outsiders

  • Johnny gets jumped

    Johnny gets jumped
    Johnny was jumped by Bob and Randy and some other Socs. He got beat up very badly and it scared him so much that he would not walk by himself, for fear of getting jumped again. He also decided to start carrying a 6 inch switch blade.
  • Ponyboy gets jumped

    Ponyboy gets jumped
    As Ponyboy was walking home from the movies, the same blue Mustang that belonged to the Socs that beat up Johnny, pulled up to Ponyboy and the Socs got out. They beat him up and didn’t stop until the rest of the Greasers came. Ponyboy had a cut on his cheek and was a little bruised up but was fine other than that.
  • Ponyboy & Johnny fall asleep at the lot

    Ponyboy & Johnny fall asleep at the lot
    Ponyboy, Johnny and Two Bit walk to the old lot, where they often hung out. Two Bit left but Johnny and Ponyboy stayed and accidently fell alseep. When they woke up it was 2:00 am. Ponyboy went home but Johnny stayed because his parents couldn’t care less about him. When Ponyboy got home Darry was mad and slapped Ponyboy. Ponyboy ran back to the lot and told Johnny that they were running away. They ran for blocks then decided that wasn’t the best idea and turned around to go back to the lot.
  • Greasers meet Soc girls

    Greasers meet Soc girls
    When Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally were at the movies, they meet two Socs named Sherrie, aka Cherry, and Marcia. Ponyboy opened up to Cherry and told her things he’d never told anybody else. As Ponyboy, Johnny, Cherry, Marcia and Two Bit were walking home the blue mustang pulled up. The Socs got out and they almost had a fight because the girls were with the greasers. Cherry told them to stop and that they would just go with Randy, Bob and the other Socs.
  • Johnny kills Bob

    Johnny kills Bob
    As Ponyboy and Johnny walked back to the lot, they passed thru the park and saw the blue Mustang circling the park. Five Socs, including Bob and Randy, got out of the car. They started to drown Ponyboy in the fountain. Johnny pulled out his switchblade and stabed Bob in the stomach, killing him. All of the Socs ran scared. Johnny decided that he and Pony would go to Dally. Dally gave them 50 dollars and a loaded gun along with clothes because Pony's clothes were soaking wet.
  • Johnny and Pony went to Windrixville

    Johnny and Pony went to Windrixville
    Dally also told them to go to a old rundown church in Windrixville, so they did. Once they got there, they bought a few weeks worth of food and a copy of Gone With The Wind. They needed to change their appearance so they din’t look like the pictures in the newspaper. They both cut their hair and dyed Ponyboy’s blond.
  • Ponyboy's Sunrise

    Ponyboy's Sunrise
    One morning Pony was watching the sunrise and Johnny came up behind him. Pony recited the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost, to Johnny. This is the poem: "Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, but only so an hour. As leaf subsides to leaf, Eden sank to grief. So dawn goes down to day, Nothing gold can stay." Johnny ponders this.
  • Dally comes to Windrixville

    Dally comes to Windrixville
    The next day, Dally came to the church with a letter from Sodapop for Ponyboy. He took Johnny and Pony to Dairy Queen. Dally also tells them that Cherry is spying on the Socs for the greasers. In addition, he tells them that he is carrying a unloaded gun just for a bluff. On the way back to the church Johnny tells them that he’s going to turn himself in.
  • The church is on fire

    The church is on fire
    When Dally, Johnny and Pony went back to the church to get their things, there was a school picnic going on. The church was on fire with 5 children in it. Johnny and Ponyboy decided to go into the church to save the little kids. They got all the little kids out however, as Pony was getting of the church, he heard Johnny scream then felt Dally hit him on the back, knocking Pony out. When Pony woke up, he was in the hospital.
  • Johnny is not doing well

    Johnny is not doing well
    When Pony was discharged, Darry and Sodapop were waiting for him. At first, upon asking about Dally and Johnny, the doctor said that he would only talk to family. Finally they got the doctor to understand that they were pretty much the only family Dally and Johnny had. The doctor told them that Dally would be ok but Johnny wasn’t good.
  • Pony sees the newspaper

    Pony sees the newspaper
    The doctor sent Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy home. When Ponyboy saw the paper, there was a whole section about him and Johnny saving the little kids’ lives. It also told about the murder and how Pony and Johnny would have to go to court. It also stated that Cherry said she believed that Bob had been drunk and that the fight was his fault. Randy Anderson said the same thing. In addition, the paper said that Johnny would be charged with manslaughter, if he lived.
  • Pony talks to Randy

    Pony talks to Randy
    The next day Pony was home with Two Bit and they decided to go to the movies. When they were on their way to the movies, they stopped at a gas station and the blue Mustang pulled up. Randy called over Ponyboy. Randy said that he would not fight in the big Soc/Greaser rumble because fighting wassn’t going to do any good.
  • Two Bit and Pony visit Johnny and Dally in the hospital

    Two Bit and Pony visit Johnny and Dally in the hospital
    After speaking with Randy, Two Bit and Pony decided to skip the movies and visit Johnny and Dally in the hospital. While visiting Johnny, Johnny asked for a copy of Gone With the Wind. Johnny’s mom came to the hospital to see Johnny but he freaked out because he didn’t want to see her. When he tried to sit up he passed out. Afterward, Two Bit and Pony went to see Dally. Dally asked for Two Bit’s special switch blade so Two Bit gave it to him.
  • Ponyboy does not feel well

    Ponyboy does not feel well
    On their way home from the hospital, Ponyboy was running a fever. Two Bit promised not to tell Darry so that Pony could still fight Greaser/Soc rumble. Ponyboy also told Two Bit that he had a bad feeling about the rumble, that something bad was going to happen.
  • A rumble

    A rumble
    The Greasers won the rumble. Steve had 3 broken ribs and Two Bit got 4 stitches in his face and 7 in his hand. Dally pulled Ponyboy away to take him to the hospital and told him that Johnny was getting worse. When they got to the hospital, Johnny was very pale. They told Johnny that they won the rumble. Johnny then told Ponyboy to stay gold and died. Dally ran out of the hospital room. When Ponyboy got home, Darry asked him where he’d been and after seeing his face, he asked him what was wrong.
  • Dally dies

    Dally dies
    Pony told the rest of the gang that Johnny was dead and that Dally had run from the hospital. Minutes later, Dally called. He told the gang that he had robbed a grocery store and asked them to meet him at the lot because the cops were after him. They all got to the lot at the same time Dally did. Dally pulled out the bluff gun he had told Johnny and Ponyboy about. The cops saw it and shot him, thinking that the gun was loaded. Dally died in the lot.
  • Pony talks with Randy again

    Pony talks with Randy again
    Ponyboy had been in such shock from Dally's death and his own sickness, that he passed out. When Ponyboy woke up days later, Randy came over to talk to Ponyboy about how they all had to go to court due to Johnny having stabbed Bob. Ponyboy insisted that he was the one that killed Bob not Johnny. When Ponyboy went to court, he was acquitted of all charges.
  • Ponyboy's grades slip

    Ponyboy's grades slip
    After this experience Ponyboy was more clumsy and absent-minded then before. He stopped eating and his grades start to slip. He went from an A in English to an F. His English teacher told him that if he could come up with a good 5 page semester theme paper, then he would pass him with a C.
  • Grocery store run-in

    Grocery store run-in
    Later, when Ponyboy was at the grocery store with Two Bit and Steve, Two Bit and Steve were goofing around, when a car pulled up. It was a bunch of Socs and they tried to scare Ponyboy. Ponyboy broke off the end of his bottle and told them to “’… get back into your car or you’ll get split.’” They left scared. Then Two Bit told Ponyboy to not get "tough" like the rest of them
  • Soda breaks

    Soda breaks
    When Soda got home, he wasn’t acting quite right but Ponyboy ignored it. Later, Ponyboy and Darry got into a fight and they tried to pull Sodapop into it. Soda ran out of the house. When Darry and Ponyboy caught him, Soda told them that he couldn’t stand it when they fought and hated it even more when they tried to pull him into it, he told them how they could try to get along better. After this Darry and Ponyboy promised not fight anymore.
  • Ponyboy reads Gone With the Wind

    Ponyboy reads Gone With the Wind
    Ponyboy decided to read Gone With the Wind and a note from Johnny fell out. Johnny said that he wouldn’t mind dying because the kids in the church had more to look forward to in their lives then Johnny did in his. He also asked Ponyboy to tell Dally that there is still good in the world and to watch a sunset. He, again, told Ponyboy to stay gold.
  • Pony's Semester Theme

    Pony's Semester Theme
    After reading the note Ponyboy thought of the tons of boys living on the wrong sides of cities, boys just like Dally, Johnny and the rest of his gang. Boys who were good but were judged by the way they looked. Then he knew what he would write his semester theme about. He would write about everything that had happened to him. He started the theme with: ‘When I stepped out into the bright sun light from the darkness of the movie house I had only 2 things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.'