Period: to
How long did your term of office last?
What did you do during your years in government?
In 1994
He took office as President of the Republic.
He fought for the conservation of natural resources. -
Who is he?
He is a former president of the Republic of El Salvador
(https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armando_Calder%C3%B3n_Sol#:~:text=Presidencia%20(1994%2D1999),-Cre%C3%B3%20la%20Secretaria&text=Tambi%C3%A9n%20cre%C3%B3%20el%20Ministerio%20de,de%20la%20antigua%20Polic%C3%ADa%20Nacional.) -
Period: to
He repealed the criminal code.
It decreed the new penal code in force. -
Created a law regulating the creation of non-profit organisations (NGOs)
During his government he implemented reforms such as
A general baccalaureate with a duration of 2 years.
A technical-professional baccalaureate with a duration of 3 years. -
And the application of the aptitude test (PAES)
It implemented the education programme with the participation of the community (EDUCO).
Objectives: EDUCO offers access to first-, second-, and third-cycle educational services. It operates within the educational system at the preschool and basic education levels, applying specific teaching methodology targeting over-age, dropout, and absentee students as well as schools with small student populations. The program provides training sessions for parents and technical follow-up training for school directors and teachers. (http://www.oas.org/udse/caribworkshop/EDUCO.DOC) -
Period: to
Privatised the pension funds.
Increased value added tax (VAT) from 10% to 13%.
He sold the president's hotel. -
in 1998 calderon sol performed
He privatized the former telephone company ANTEL.
Privatised the electricity distribution company CAESS. (https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privatizaci%C3%B3n) -
He ends his term as President and takes up his post at Francisco Flores