Years of separating whites and blacks into different schools, restrooms, transportation, and restaurants just because of someone’s color on their skin. -
Period: to
Major events before and during the 1960
Warren Court
The Warren Court -
Emmet Till
While in Drew, Mississippi, Emmet and his friends went into a shop. Emmet ‘flirted’ with the store owner, who then told her husband. Once hearing this, the husband and his brother kidnapped Emmet at gunpoint, tortured him with their guns the murdered Emmet. Later when he was found, his parents and friends were in grief and shock. Emmett’s mother had an open casket and sent pictures to newspapers so they could see what was happening. His murders never faced big consequences. -
Little Rock 9
Nine black teenagers and their parents agreed to go into ____ school with ___ from President ___ himself. Both the kids and the parents knew that they could face verbal and physical abuse, but they choose to be brave enough to go into the ‘all white’ school, knowing what could happen. -
Viet Cong Emerge
The Viet Cong emerged as a communist force in South Vietnam during the 1950s, backed by North Vietnam, to fight against the U.S. supported South Vietnamese government in the Vietnam War. African American and other minority soldiers often faced discrimination and had fewer opportunities for promotions. The Civil Rights Movement at home influenced many Black soldiers, leading to protests and resistance against unfair treatment -
MLK dream speak
Martin Luther King Jr. famous ‘I Have A Dream’ speech’, was about him having a dream that he can see a nation where people are judged on their character, not the color on their skin. -
March on Washington
The march started near the Washington Monument all they way to the Lincoln Memorial to demand for certain rights and what they want, which was to be treaded as equal, as well as equality for all races. -
Segregation became illegal in most to all areas in the U.S., where anyone of any color could use the same restraints, transportation, schools, and much more. Police brutality became less, but is sadly still there. -
Voting Rights Act
They made voting more fair by banning literacy tests, they allowed the government to oversee the voter registration.