Timeline Audio Players

  • Phonograph

    The phonograph produced sound by using a vibrating stylus, or needle, which drug over a spinning disc
  • Radio

    The radio was invented in 1893, however it was not used in households until the 1920's. It was invented to enable long distance wireless communication
  • Cassette Tape Player

    Cassette Tape Player
    The Cassette Tape Player was invented for the use of automotive and other portable music applications.They were used up until the early 2000's
  • 8-Track Tape

    8-Track Tape
    The 8-Track Tapes were primarily used in cars. They played on an endless loop and couldn't be re-winded
  • Boombox

    They were used to record radio broadcasts on cassette tapes and to play music.
  • CD Player

    CD Player
    The CD player was invented for the new format and toeventually replace the analogue video equipment and the Compact Cassette Tape
  • Mp3 Player

    Mp3 Player
    The Mp3 players was invented to make music easier to access and to make profit off of music.The Mp3 is a staple of music listening devices .
  • iPod

    The iPod was invented to make music easier to discover, and more accessible than the Walkman audio player