Chapter 3 Persecution of “The Way”

  • 60


    Great fire of Rome; Nero launches persecutions of Christians
  • 70


    Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus
  • Period: 80 to 96


    81| Persecution under Domitian (81-96)
    88| St. Clement I is pope; restored the sacrament of confirmation according to the rite of St. Peter; martyred in 97
  • Period: 97 to 117


    110| St. Ignacius of Antioch martyred
    112| Trajan’s recruit in response to Pliny
    115| St. Sixtus I is pope; died in 125
  • Period: 117 to 138


    123| Hadrian’s Rescript
    125| St. Telesphorus is Pope; martyred in 136; he composed the Gloria in Excelsis Deo
  • Period: 138 to 161

    Antoninus Pius

    150| St Justin Martyr dedicates his first apology
    155| St. Polycarp martyred
    161| St Justin Martyr dedicates his Second apology
  • Period: 174 to 211

    Sept. Severus

    196| Tetrullian begins writing
    203| Sts. Perpetua and Felicity are martyred in the arena at Carthage
  • 215

    Origen (ca. 185-224) Begins writing

  • Period: 249 to 251

    Edict of Decius(emp. 249-251) orders empire-wide persecution of Christians

  • Period: 253 to 260

    Valerian (emp. 253-260) Rescripts in 257 and 258

  • Period: 284 to 305


    293| Diocletian creates the Tetrarchy
    303| “Great persecution” begins under Diocletian
  • 312

    Constantine adopts Christian symbol before battle

  • 313

    Edict of Milan