Timeline of Hitlers evil stuff

  • The begining

    The begining
    In March of 1933, Hitler gained a significant amount of power over Germany due to a fire that was blamed on communists. This fire led to him basically kicking communists out of office, and ultimately gaining most if not all power over Germany. This was known as the "Enabling act."
  • Boycott

    April 1 1933, Jewish stores were being boycotted by Germans, as a way to end Jewish businesses since Hitler did not want them to have such things. However, many Germans continued to enter the shops regardless of the boycott, so it was called off.
  • Laws against Jews

    Laws against Jews
    In September of 1935, Laws were made for if you have any sort of DNA other than German, then you can not have a German citizen-ship. There were also laws placed saying Jews cannot marry outside of their "Race."
  • Vienna

    Jews were desperate to leave the country, but they had to pay high fees and get an exit visa. This made it difficult for them to leave, so many still fell do to Hitler's actions.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    On the night of November 9th thru 10th, 1938, Nazi soldiers attacked Jewish communities, because a jew killed one of the soldiers protecting their parents. A lot of jews were sent to concentration camps once it ended, personally i think this event may have kick-started the genocide whether it was going to happen anyways or not.
  • The Targets

    The Targets
    From 1933-1939, was the Holocaust. Many people were sent to concentration camps, not just the jews. People with disabilities, people of certain ethnicities, and also Gypsies (Roma). Some were killed because of their sexuality, some because political differences, and prisoners of war.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    In September of 1939, Germans had taken over a lot of Europe. This was so Hitler could get rid of jews in other countries. However, European countries began to resist, and push back Hitlers forces. This started WWII.
  • Restoration

    Between 1945 and 1948, Jews were relocated from Germany to surrounding countries. These countries included Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, America, and also camps in general. Many citizens of Israel and Ukraine were upset about the jews moving to their land, because while jews were flooding in the ones who are already there were being pushed out.