Topic 1: The Fall of The Czar

  • Nicholas II Made Czar

    Nicholas II Made Czar
    Nicholas II is made Czar of Russia after his father Alexander III dies.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    200,000 workers and their families peacefully protest at Nicholas II's winter palace. Nicholas orders soldiers to fire on the crowd, killing or injury around 1000 people. This event lead to a general distrust against the Czar.
  • The Russo-Japanese War Ends

    The Russo-Japanese War Ends
    The Russo-Japanese War end with a Russian loss. The war drains resources from Russia and is a cause for The Russian Revolution.
  • Russia Joins WWI

    Russia Joins WWI
    Russia joins WWI, which would result in high casualties and use of even more resources.
  • Czarina Alexandra Put in Charge of Russia

    Czarina Alexandra Put in Charge of Russia
    In September of 1915, Czarina Alexandra takes charge of the Russian government as Czar Nicholas II went to the frontlines of WWI to lead the Russian army personally. She makes bad decisions, mainly putting all her trust in a mystic healer, Rasputin. He "muddied" the image of the nobles and caused more distrust in the royal family.
  • Russian Revolution Begins

    Russian Revolution Begins
    Social unrest within the population on Russia caused them to revolt for reasons such as Russia's involvement in WWI, food shortages, poor working conditions for industrial workers, and the spreading of democratic ideas from the west.
  • Strike in Petrograd

    A general strike begins in Petrograd, now known as St. Petersburg. Eventually it spreads as workers demand for better living conditions and a withdraw from WWI.
  • Czar Nicholas II Abdicates

    Czar Nicholas II Abdicates
    Nicholas II, seeing the growing strength of the revolution and the collapse of his support, abdicates the throne. He initially abdicates in favor of his son, Alexei, but this is not accepted.
  • Czar Nicholas II And His Family Killed

    Czar Nicholas II And His Family Killed
    Czar Nicholas II and his family were detained by the Bolsheviks, radicals who believed in a Communist Revolution. They were then executed to prevent them from being rescued by Anti-Communist soldiers. The Provisional Government is established marking the fall of the Czar.