Transformation of Identity

  • 1482

    Elmina Castle Established

    Elmina Castle Established
    Built on the Gold Coat originally made as a trading post later became a central hub for the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
  • 1492

    Diseases in The New World

    Diseases in The New World
    During 1492 to the late 1500s over 90% of Native Americans died from diseases brought from the Europeans, the main ones were Smallpox and Measles.
  • Period: Aug 3, 1492 to

    Columbian Exchange

    Trading that that included the New World, Europe, and Africa, they traded crops, goods, animals, and even slaves.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovers the New World

    Christopher Columbus discovers the New World
    This is where he discovers the New World, with new crops, goods, animals, and people. Also marks the beginning of the Columbian Exchange. file:///C:/Users/AshtonAllen/Downloads/9940837f-7b1a-4f72-89ad-6f526cf82ae8%20(1).mp4
  • 1493

    The first Arrival of Livestock In The New World

    In 1493 during his second voyage Columbus brought cattle with him trading them with the Natives. This brought an easier source of food causing them to hunt less.
  • Mar 15, 1493

    Introduction To New World Crops

    Introduction To New World Crops
    After Columbus returns from the New World he also brings a variety of crops and seeds back to Spain. With the new crops they incorporated it into their diets.
  • 1495

    Spread of Syphilis throughout Europe

    Spread of Syphilis throughout Europe
    In 1495 while returning back to Europe they brought back Syphilis to mainland Europe
  • The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    The Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    The English navy defeating the Spanish Armada shows a decline in Spanish dominance. This shows the Spanish losing the dominance.
  • First Successful European Colony established in North America

    First Successful European Colony established in North America
    The first successful European colony established was Jamestown, Virginia. This changes their way of life being somewhere they have never known.
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade

    Transatlantic Slave Trade
    A privateer English ship captured them from a Spanish slave ship trading them for food with colonist in Virginia. They transform their identity by resorting to selling people.
  • Jamestown Massacre

    Jamestown Massacre
    Powhatan Indians attacked the English colony because of land disputes. Their identity is changing because of them settlers.
  • The Pequot War

    The Pequot War
    Conflict between the Pequot tribe and English settlers mainly caused because of the English intruding on their land. 1636-1638. Also shows how they were peaceful but they turn violent because of the settlers.
  • The Royal African Company

    The Royal African Company
    Made to trade two things gold and slaves. This shows how they saw slaves as property they made this company just to benefit of them.
  • Blending of Identities

    Natives, Europeans, and African identities and cultures start to blend together. Changing the way some peoples beliefs. 1700s
  • African Identities

    They were transformed do to the forced migration. This leads to hybrid identities. 1700s
  • Loss of African Culture

    Loss of African Culture
    During the Slave Trade the identities were shaped by their owners mainly losing most of the African Culture. This leads to mixes of cultures, identities, and beliefs. 1700s