WW1 timeline

  • Assasionation

    a bomb was thrown at Archduke Franz Ferdinand but missed. Austrians had anger towards Serbia. Signified the start of war.
  • Declaring war

    Declaring war
    Great Britain declares war on Germany. The declaration is binding on all Dominions within the British Empire including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa. The United States declares neutral
  • U-boats sink

    U-boats sink
    German U-boat sinks 1,201 people including 128 Americans. Woodrow Wilson sends for Diplomatics to protest Germany.
  • President Woodrow re-election

    President Woodrow re-election
    America Re-elects president Woodrow, who campaigned “He kept us out of war”
  • Zimmerman telegram

    Zimmerman telegram
    British intercepted a telegram sent by German minister Zimmerman to the German ambassador. The telegram is then passed by the British to the Americans then to the public. That caused a outcry from internationalists in the U.S.
  • War Declared

    War Declared
    United States declares war on Germany
  • American Tropps

    American Tropps
    The first American troops land in France
  • Sedition act

    Sedition act
    President Woodrow signed the sedition act into law, forbid slander on the U.S.
  • The Armistice

    The Armistice
    The armistice, significs that the war is ending
  • Wars over

    Wars over
    German signs the treaty of Versailles, ending the war