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Events Leading to the Civil War By: Brooke Palmer

  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    Many settlers trecked the 2200 mile long oregon trail. Many people travelled along this; it that was an emigrant trail. It was an east-west large-wheeled wagon route that connected the Missouri River to Orgeon, that was laid by fur trappers.
  • Nationalism

    Feelings of prode and loyalty came upon the nation, which came from successful foreign negotioations. They found strong supporters by Kentucky's Henry Clay, who believed strong national feeling reduced regional conflict. A plan to help make the US a self- efficient economy was made called the American System.
  • Era of Good Feelings

    Era of Good Feelings
    From about 1815-1825, the feelings of peace, pride, and progress were all around. Emphasis was put on National Unity, and powers were applied to creating a National Bank. allAmericans enjoyed these times.
  • McCulloch vs. Maryland

    McCulloch vs. Maryland
    A man, James McCulloch, refused to pay his taxes, and the state took him to court, which ended up going to the supreme court. This was voted unconstitutional, and was called McCulloch vs. Maryland.
  • Adam's Onis Treaty

    Adam's Onis Treaty
    This was a treaty between the United States ans Spain that ceded Florida to the US and defined a boundry between US and Spain. They agreed to pay $5 million of US citizens claims for Spain, and they gained Texas.This event was caused by Andrew Jackson who convinced Spain to participate in this.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    There was conflict between the states and the Union,so a compromise regarding to slaves was put into play. This compromise settled the conflict that had arisen from Missouri's application of state hood.
  • Santa Fe Trail

    Santa Fe Trail
    Another important trail going west was the Santa Fe trail, and it followed an ancient route first used by the Native Americans. They filled their wagons with with theiritems and headed towards Santa Fe. It connected Independence, Missouri with Santa Fe, New Mexico.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    This was between Secretary Adams and President Monroe. It protected American interests, was an exclusive statement warning European powers not to interface with the US, and has 4 basic points. It was announced when annual message was given to Congress.
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Jacksonian Democracy
    Andrew Jackson was very popular at this time due to war winnings and more. Election qualifications were lowered, which allowed Jackson to be able to run for president. The democracywas expanding, and these times became known later as the Jacksonian Democracy.
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs

    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    To manage Indian Removal to western lands, congress approved a new government. This was all happening becasue of the Indian Territory group and the Indian Removal Act and was called the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
  • Tarriff of Abominations

    Tarriff of Abominations
    President Jackson came into office with immediate problems to solve, and the first one involves angry southerners. Congress placeda high tarriff on imports, and this upset the southerners. This was called the Tarriff of Abominations, and it was the first issue Jackson delt with as President.
  • Spoils System

    Spoils System
    Jackson won the election and was now the President of the United States. Jackson did not only see this as a win for him, he saw this as a win for the common people. As president, Jackson rewarded some supporters with government jobs, and this method was called the Spoils System.
  • Indiain Removal Act

    Indiain Removal Act
    Under Jacksons's pressure, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830, authorizing the removal of Native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi River to lands of the west. This land wanted to be opened by Jackson and other political leaders.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    Since there was a controversy, conflict between the supporters and opponents deepened. This became known as the nullification crisis, and followed with Calhoun resigning from Vice Presidency.
  • Alamo

    This was a Texas army that took down the town of San Antonio, in he Alamo. It soon became an important battle site in the Texas Revolution.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    After the Indians were removed, They were forced (the Cherokees) to walk the 800 miole march that became known as the trial of tears. 1/4 of the 18,000 who walked the trail died due to harsh elements.
  • Whig Party

    Whig Party
    President Andrew Jackson didnt run for the president again, and a new political party formed. This group of people called themselves the whigs. they believed that Andrew Jackson's power was considered monarchy like.. The whig party favored weak-press and strong congress.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Americans believed that they could have a new and better and better destiny, and sone say it was the manifest destiny, which is obvious fate. They say this was used to settle land all the way to the Pacific Ocean to spread democracy.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    There was a group of western travellers who went to California but were stranded in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. They were strandedduring the vold winter months, and when spring rolled around, they continued.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    American's moved west to create new lives in gold mining. This talk of gold brought a lot of settlers to California. American's weren't supposed to settle in Mexico's California, but the gold brought them there.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    War ended after Scott took Mexico city, and the united states and mexico signed this treaty which officially ended the war, It also forced Mexico to turn over the Northern Territory.
  • Forty-Niners

    In 1849, almost 80,000 gold seekers went to California. They were hoping to get gold, and these people were then called Forty-Niners.
  • Sectionalism

    Disagreements between different regions were happening, and this threatened the Union. one of the disagreements that occurred involved Missouri and slaves. That disagreement soon led to the Missouri Compromise.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    Under the terms of this Gadsden Purchase, the United States government paid Mexico $10 million. This money was paid to exchange for what was the southern parts being Arizona and New Mexico.
  • States Rights Doctrine

    States Rights Doctrine
    Vice President Calhoun lent a helping hand. He drafted the South Carolina exposition protest first, then used the protest to advance to the states rights doctrine. This stated that since the states had formed a national government, state power should be greater than federal power, and this was controversial.
  • Indian Territory

    Indian Territory
    Congress established Indian Territory which is US land in what is now Oklahoma where Native Americans weremoved to for land. Some supporters liked this plan, and others did not.