7th grade World History Timeline

By vc2699
  • 931 BCE

    King Solomon dies

    King Solomon dies
  • 799 BCE

    Carthage was founded

    Carthage was founded
  • 750 BCE

    Rome was founded

    Rome was founded
  • 721 BCE

    Israel falls to the Assyrains

    Israel falls to the Assyrains
  • 597 BCE

    Babylonia invades Judah

    Babylonia invades Judah
  • 539 BCE

    Persians conquer Babylonians

    Persians conquer Babylonians
  • Period: 509 BCE to 263 BCE

    Rome's conquest of the Italian Peninsula

  • 389 BCE

    Gauls crushed Roman army and surged the city

    Gauls crushed Roman army and surged the city
  • 329 BCE

    Greeks take over specifically the Spartans

    Greeks take over specifically the Spartans
  • 264 BCE

    The start of the Frist Punic war

    The start of the Frist Punic war
  • 241 BCE

    First Punic war ends- Carthage lost

    First Punic war ends- Carthage lost
  • 218 BCE

    Start of the second Punic War

    Start of the second Punic War
    Rome was surprised by Carthage
  • 218 BCE

    Hannibel Enters rome

    Hannibel Enters rome
  • Period: 145 BCE to 44 BCE

    Expansion during the Final Years of the republic

  • 90 BCE

    Allies rebelled against Rome and wanted to be Roman citizen

    Allies rebelled against Rome and wanted to be Roman citizen
  • 75 BCE

    Rome had conquered the entire Italian peinsula

    Rome had conquered the entire Italian peinsula
  • 63 BCE

    Roman's take over

    Roman's take over
  • 49 BCE

    Caesar disobeyed the Senate

    Caesar disobeyed the Senate
  • 49 BCE

    Pompey came back from conquest

    Pompey came back from conquest
  • 44 BCE

    Caesers murder

    Caesers murder
  • Period: 44 BCE to 14

    Rome becomes an Empire

  • 37 BCE

    Herod was appointed to be emperor

    Herod was appointed to be emperor
  • 36 BCE

    Roman appointed King Herod to rule over Judea

    Roman appointed King Herod to rule over Judea
  • 22 BCE

    Herod builds grander temple for Jews

    Herod builds grander temple for Jews
  • 6 BCE

    Jesus's birth

    Jesus's birth
  • 4 BCE

    Herod dies

    Herod dies
  • 30

    Jesus death by cruficaztion

    Jesus death by cruficaztion
  • 31

    Octavian defeated Cleopatra and Mark Antony

    Octavian defeated Cleopatra and Mark Antony
  • 65

    Paul was beheaded

    Paul was beheaded
  • 66

    Jews rebel against Romans

    Jews rebel against Romans
  • 66

    Rabbi Yohanen Ben Zuccai smuggles himself out of Jerusalem in coffin

    Rabbi Yohanen Ben Zuccai smuggles himself out of Jerusalem in coffin
    And he creates Jewish school
  • 79

    Pompeii erupts

    Pompeii erupts
  • 146

    Carthage ends

    Carthage ends
  • 200

    Jewish scholars began to make the Talmud

    Jewish scholars began to make the Talmud
  • 299

    Millions of Christians lived in Roman, Europe, North Africa and Western Asis

    Millions of Christians lived in Roman, Europe, North Africa and Western Asis
  • 312

    Constantine has a vision of Jesus on the Cross

    Constantine has a vision of Jesus on the Cross
  • 313

    Constantine annouced the Edict of Milan

    Constantine annouced the Edict of Milan
  • 380

    Christantity became the religon of Roman Empire

    Christantity became the religon of Roman Empire
  • Period: 476 to 999

    Early Middle Ages

  • Period: 481 to 511

    Clovis Reign

  • 570

    Muhammad's Birth in Mecca

    Muhammad's Birth in Mecca
  • 595

    Muhammad marries Khadijah

    Muhammad marries Khadijah
  • 610

    Muhammed received the call to prophethood in mountains

    Muhammed received the call to prophethood in mountains
  • 613

    Muhammad starts preaching to other Meccans

    Muhammad starts preaching to other Meccans
  • 619

    Muhammad takes the Night Journey to Jeruslaum

    Muhammad takes the Night Journey to Jeruslaum
  • 619

    Abu Talib and Khadijah die from the boycott

    Abu Talib and Khadijah die from the boycott
  • 622

    Muhammad and followers move from Mecca and Yathrib on hijrah

    Muhammad and followers move from Mecca and Yathrib on hijrah
  • 624

    War broke out between Meccans and Muslims

    War broke out between Meccans and Muslims
  • 630

    Muhammad redirects Ka'bah to one god

    Muhammad redirects Ka'bah to one god
  • 630

    Meccans broke the truce between Muslims and Meccans

    Meccans broke the truce between Muslims and Meccans
  • 631

    Muhammad's last sermon

    Muhammad's last sermon
  • 632

    Muhammad's Death

    Muhammad's Death
  • 632

    Muhammad led the first pilgrimage to Mecca

    Muhammad led the first pilgrimage to Mecca
  • 634

    Abu Bakr dies

    Abu Bakr dies
  • Period: 768 to 814

    Charlemagne's Rule

  • Dec 25, 800

    Charlemagne's crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day

    Charlemagne's crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day
  • Period: 1000 to 1300

    High Middle ages

  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
  • 1066

    Battle of Hasting

    Battle of Hasting
  • Period: 1300 to 1450

    Late Middle ages

  • 1517

    Martin Luther makes the protestant church

    Martin Luther makes the protestant church
  • The end of WW2

    The end of WW2
    During the war 6 million Jews were killed