Manchurian Crisis
The Manchurian Crisis involves Japan invading a part of China called Manchuria. Japan wanted some resources that were apart of that area, so they decided to invade. China appealed to the League of Nations in which Japan was ordered to leave. However, Japan ignored the League and continued. This event is important as it highlights Japan's aggressive expansionist policies while creating fear in other nations that will be reflected in future discussions. -
World Disarmament Conference
Due to the rising tensions in Europe, nations decided to come together and discuss the topic of disarmament. The main aims of the conference were to reduce naval weapons, prevent an arms race, and reduce the tensions in the pacific. However, the conference failed due to nations unwilling to disarm because of the rising extremist governments. This event is important as it highlighted the fear in these countries and the fact everyone is still armed. -
Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
On this day, Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. Due to the Great Depression, Germany was tired of democracy as they believed it wasn't doing them any good. So, the German people became more open to other political forms. Therefore, extremist, Nazi Hitler was appointed. This event is important as it marks the start of when Hitler gained power in Germany- which later influences other countries around the world and leads to WWII. -
Hitler's Failed Attempt at Anschluss
On this day, Hitler attempted to take Austria, as it was apart of Hitler's main plan. The event was stopped by Mussolini (who had control of the area) and Hitler was forced to disown his coup. Germany was not strong enough to fight back, so they left. This event is important as it highlights how willing Hitler was to go against Versailles to achieve his aims. -
Stresa Front
France, Britain, and Italy, formed the Stresa front to try and affirm the Locarno Treaties while resisting Germany. However the front ended up failing as the terms were vague and no country was willing to go to war with Germany to reinforce their idea. Each nation proceeded to later do a different event (Anglo-German Naval agreement, Franco-Soviet agreement, and Abyssinia invasion) that further weakened their bond. This event is important as it highlights the unwillingness to go to war. -
Spanish Civil War
During this time, Spain's republican government was being attacked by a nationalist party lead by Franco. Due to the assistance of Germany and Italy- and the lack of support from the LON and related nations- Franco won and Spain was now an extremist country. Other nations became increasingly concerned due to the new government. This event was important as it created a new extremist party in Europe and showed how little nations did to prevent things like this from happening. -
Abyssinian Crisis
Italy deemed Abyssinia with potential as it had a good number of resources. So, they decided to invade it. Abyssinia appealed to the League but they chose not to intervene as nobody wanted to go to war with Italy. They didn't see Abyssinia as worthy of helping. This event is important as it helped extremist Italy grow in power. -
Second Sino-Japanese War
In China, Japan had been occupying many of the areas. During this time, many Chinese citizens were facing extreme levels of violence. However, they were receiving no help from other nations. So, China decided to rebel and thus the second Sino-Japanese War started. This event is important as it created struggle for Japan during the second world war as they now had to fight on two separate fronts. -
Successful Anschluss
On this day, Hitler decided to march into Austria again, hoping to finally take the land. What was different from the last attempt was Hitler's new friendship with Mussolini. With this friendship, he was finally able to take the land without intervention. This event was important as it caused Hitler to gain a lot of resources, military, and a geographical strategy. It also showed how Hitler was able to defy Versailles without any intervention. -
Munich Conference
Germany, Britain, France, and Italy discussed Hitler's claims in the Sudetenland. Despite being talked about, Czechoslovakia was not invited to the conference. Germany was basically granted the area as long as he promised to not take the rest of the country. Hitler later went against his promise and took all of Czechoslovakia in 1939. This event is important as it caused Hitler to grow and gain an even better geographical advantage. Other nations became concerned of their potential invasion. -
Anglo-French Guarantee of Poland
Due to German takeover of Austria and Czechoslovakia, Poland became increasingly concerned about their own potential invasion. So, to show support, Britain and France created this guarantee to protect Poland. Later, other nations asked to join to protect themselves as well. This event is important as it marks one of the first times Britain and France were willing to take action against Germany (in which they later declared war). -
Germany invades Poland
Germany marched into Poland and demanded the territory. Even though Poland refused, Hitler continued to march in and eventually Poland surrendered. Stalin and the USSR also marched in on the opposite side as they had agreed to take each part of the land. This event was important as it marked the beginning of WWII as Britain and France later declared war on Germany. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Both Germany and the USSR wanted their respective claims to Poland. So, they decided to sign a treaty that, to the public, established their neutrality and agreed for no aggression for 10 years. However, in between the lines, they agreed to split Poland between themselves. This event was important as it heavily concerned the world that an extremist nation and a communist nation allied.