David juramento juego pelota


  • Period: 1501 to

    Antiguo Régimen

    Régimen monárquico y político absolutista anterior a la Revolución Francesa
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    He was an English philosopher and doctor. He lived in the 17th century. He was an important influencer of the empiricism and the father of the classical liberalism. He defended that the knowledge comes from the experiences and reflection. He also refuted the innatism.
  • Period: to

    Guerra de sucesión española

    Conflicto internacional por el trono español tras la muerte del rey Carlos II. Enfrentó a los partidarios de Felipe V contra los defensores del archiduque Carlos. Como consecuencia Felipe V se quedó con la corona española rechazando el trono francés, pero tuvo que ceder territorios como Gibraltar y territorios de Italia. Por otro lado, el archiduque Carlos fue nombrado emperador del Sacro Imperio.
  • Decretos de Nueva Planta

    Decretos de Nueva Planta
    Conjunto de decretos promulgados por Felipe V tras la guerra de sucesión, por los cuales se abolieron la leyes y furos de los distintos reinos para favorecer la centralización (1707-1716)
  • Montesquieu

    French philosopher born in Bordeaux in the 18th century. His main theory defended the division of powers. He worte "The Spirit of Law". He was an important figure of the Enlightenment. He was against the absolute monarchy that reigned in France and criticised the society of the time. He was a great promoter of the French Revolution.
  • Felipe V

    Felipe V
    Spain's king from 1700 to 1746. He was from the Borbon family, a French family (in fact he was born in Versalles Palace in 1683) and introuce it in Spain. His reign was the largest in the history. While he was governing it was created the RAE and the Real Academia Española de Historia that he took from the ideas in France.
  • Paz de Utrecht

    Paz de Utrecht
    Tratado en el que se reconoce a Felipe V como rey de España y a cambio España cede territorios a los demás países europeos: a Austria cede sus posesiones en Italia y Flandes, y a Reino Unido, Gibraltar y Menorca, además de ventajas en el comercio con América.
  • Voltaire

    French philosopher and writer from the Enlightment. He lived in the 18th century . He criticised the Chatolic Church and the French state. He also believed that the best way of governing was a parlamentary monarchy as he tought that humans need to have more freedom. He wrote "The Treatment about Tolerance". He also promulgated the religious tolerance.
  • Rousseau

    Swish philosopher from de Enlightment. He was born in the 18th century. His main idea was that the humans are born being good people however the society perverted them. He also defended the idea that sovereignity should be in people's hands. He wrote "The Social Contract". His ideas had influence on the French Revolution and the republican theories.
  • Fernando VI

    Fernando VI
    Spanish king called "the prudent". He was born in Madrid in 1713 and died in 1759. He reigned from 1746 until his death. He was the fourth son of Felipe 5th. He carried out the reform of taxes, modernised the army. He also made stronger the commerce with colonies and the public works.
  • Carlos III

    Carlos III
    Spanish king that was born in Madrid in 1716 and died in 1788. He was called "the best mayor of Madrid". He reigned from 1759 to his death. He was also king of Naples and Sicily. He was the third son of Felipe V and came after his stepbrother Fernando VI. He improved the communications. During his govern he pushed forward the economic reforms, expelled the Jesuit and promoted education.
  • Motín de Esquilache

    Motín de Esquilache
    Revuelta popular contra el ministro italiano Esquilache ocurrida en Madrid durante el reinado de Carlos III, por la prohibición de los sombreros de ala ancha y capa larga. Como consecuencia, Esquilache fue cesado y se aplicaron reformas para modernizar el país.
  • Luis XVI

    Luis XVI
    French king from 1774 to 1793 when he was killed in the guillotine by Robespierre and his followers. He was born in 1754 and died in 1793 in Paris. He was the king of France before the French Revolution and also was the last absolute king of France. His abuses of power leaded many riots in France from the lower estates such as the French Revolution. He also supported the colonist in America.
  • Enciclopedia

    Principal vehículo de difusión de las ideas ilustradas. Recogía todos los saberes de aquella época. Se creó en Francia y sus directores fueron Diderot y D'Alambert, aunque intervinieron filósofos muy importantes como Voltaire, Montesquieu y Rousseau. Pretendía acabar con el monopolio del saber que hasta ese momento había tenido la Iglesia.
  • Maximilien Robespierre

    Maximilien Robespierre
    French politician, lawyer and writer that was also the leader of the Jacobins during the French Revolution. He was born in 1754 in Arras and died in 1794 in Paris since he was guillotinated. People called him "the incoruptible" due to his extreme defense of the will of the French people. He had a really big influence on the French Revolution. Due to him it started the Reign of terror after the king's death and he defended it as a way to eradicate traitors from the society.
  • Declaración de Independencia de los EEUU

    Declaración de Independencia de los EEUU
    Documento político firmado el 4 de julio de 1776 por los representantes de las trece colonias inglesas norteamericanas en el que se autodefinían estados independientes a la Corona inglesa, creando la nación de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Fue redactado, principalmente, por Thomas Jefferson ayudado por John Adams y Benjamin Franklin. Estaba basado en principios del liberalismo y fue una consecuencia del motín del té.
  • Mary Wollstonecraft

    Mary Wollstonecraft
    She was a British writer and philospher. She lived in the 18th century, mainly in London. She was a women's right activist that asked for equality in men and women like the limitations in education, work or economics imposed on women and she also recognise the benefit of it. She is also called the mother of Feminism.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    First American pressident after leading the colonial army to the victory in the war of Independence. He was born in 1732 in Virginia and died in1799 in Virginia, too. He lived in the late Modern Age and beggins of the Contemporany Age. He was the head of government from 1789 to 1797. During his presidence he passed important laws such as the law of judicial power and it was also created the first American Bank. In addition, the dollar was imposed as the official currency.
  • Olympe de Gouges

    Olympe de Gouges
    She was a French women's activist. She lived in the 18th century in France. She wrote the Declaration of women and femaele citizen in which defended that women and men shuold have the same rights and freedom in differents aspects like politics (for example, right to vote).
  • Toma de la Bastilla

    Toma de la Bastilla
    Asalto a la prisión fortaleza de París que marcó el inicio de una revuelta popular que llevaría al fin de la monarquía absolutista y al inicio de una nueva Francia basada en la libertad, igualdad y fraternidad.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    Scottish mechanical engeneer and inventor. He was born in 1736 in Greenock and died in 1819 in Birmingham. He invented the steam engine from improvements that he did on the Newcomen machine. He invented it in 1765 but, however, until 1769 it wasn't exposed to people. His creation was essential on the Industrial Revolution.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    He was Scottish economist and philospher from the Enlightment. He argued against the regulation of the trade and defended a free market economy. He also wrote "The Wealth of Nations". He's considered the father of economic, liberalism and capitalism. He also said that the wealth comes from the work and our individual needs of satisfying our wishes cause a benefit in society. He called the "Invisible Hand" to the strengh that's hide below that satisfaction.
  • Carlos IV

    Carlos IV
    Spain's king from 1788 to 1808 when he abdicated. During his reign the reforms were stopped to stop the Englightment in Spain. While he was governing it happened the crisis of the Hacienda Real and Spain together with other European countries took part in the war against France. In 1808 after the Aranjuez riot he abdicated on his son, Fernando VII.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Third American president from 1801 to 1809. He was born in 1743 and died in 1799 in Virginia, so he liven in the late Modern Age and in the begginings of the Contemporary Age. He is cosidered one of the fathers of the nation as he was the main author of the Declaration of Independence of the USA. He defended republicans ideas and also the democracy. Moreover he was against the British imperialism. He was an importnat enlightned man.
  • Napoleón Bonaparte

    Napoleón Bonaparte
    French politician and military that won power sucesively due to his progressives victories, firstly winning battles inside France in the revolutionary wars and then with the expansion of his army. He was born in 1769 in France and died in 1821 in Santa Elena. He won many battles since 1813 when he lost a battle in Leipzig. After that defeat he lost many territories.
  • Revolución Industrial

    Revolución Industrial
    Conjunto de cambios económicos, tecnológicos y sociales ocurridos en Gran Bretaña desde mediados del siglo XVIII que suponen el paso de una economía agrícola y una sociedad rural a una sociedad urbana y economía industrializada, gracias a la aplicación de máquinas en la industria y en los medios de transporte y comunicaciones que dan como resultado el capitalismo.
  • Period: to


    Movimiento intelectual, también llamado el Siglo de las Luces. Defendía que el uso de la razón debía ser la base del pensamiento. Se originó en Francia, en la Edad Moderna. Provocó la Revolución Francesa y criticó las estructuras del Antiguo Régimen.
  • Batalla de Trafalgar

    Batalla de Trafalgar
    Conflicto naval entre la coalición formada por Reino Unido, Austria y Rusia contra los ejércitos de España y Francia, ya que estos apoyaban a Napoleón Bonaparte. En ella la armada española fue destruida completamente bajo el reinado de Carlos IV.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    British civil and mechanical engeneer who built the first railway line which carried people by a steam train engine. He was born in 1781 in UK and died in 1848.
  • Congreso de Viena

    Congreso de Viena
    Reunión internacional celebrado en Viena, entre 1814 y 1815, en el que se reunieron Gran Bretaña, Rusia, Prusia y Austria. Sus principios eran el legitismo monárquico, el equilibrio entre las diferentes potencias, la organización de congresos para mantener la paz y el derecho a la intervención en caso de que estallase una revolución. Sus principales objetivos fueron la reordenación de Europa y mantener las ideas políticas del Antiguo Régimen.
  • Fernando VII

    Fernando VII
    Spanish king in 1808 and later from 1813 to 1833. In 1808 the French army invaded Spainn and the throne passed to José I Bonaparte, Napoleon Bonaparte's brother. He was a really authoritarian king and for most people the worst in Spanish history, in fact his last 10 years were called the Absolutist Dacade.
  • Pierre Joseph Proudhon

    Pierre Joseph Proudhon
    Franch anarchist politician and revolutionary. considered one of the father of the anarchist movement together with Bakunin and Malatesta. He was born in 1809 in France and died in 1865 in France too. He was also a French member of the parliament while the second Republic. His theory, he anarchism, is opposed to any form of state and they wishes to replace the state by voluntary association of people. They rejected the private property, the political party and elections.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    American politician and lawyer who was the sixteenth president of the USA from 1861 to 1865 when he was murdered. He was born in 1809 and was killed in 1865 so he lived in the early Contemporary Age. He was the president during the USA Civil War. His main idea was to preserve the Union, to abolish slavery, to make stronger the government and also to modernize the economy.
  • Mijail Bakunin

    Mijail Bakunin
    Russian anarchist philosopher and politician. He is considered one of the fathers of the arauchist thinking together with Proudhon and Malatesta. He wars born in Russia in 1814 and died in 1876 in Switzerland .He founded the International Alliance of Socialist Democracy. He criticised the political power and authoritariansm and he also defende the revolutionary socialism, the atheism, the worker movement and the anarcho-syndicalism
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    German communist philosopher, economist, historian, journalist and politician of Jeweish origin who was the founder of marxism when defended the working classes from the companies owner and the sharing of wealth. He was born in 1818 in Prusia and died in 1883 in London. He wrote "The Capital" and "The Communist Party Manifiesto" which defended the scientific socialism, the modern communism, the marxism and the historical materialism. He defended the classes conflict and took part of the 1st ILO.
  • Friedrich Engels.

    Friedrich Engels.
    German communist philosopher economist, historion, journalist and politician who worked with Karl Haix the developed with Karl Marn the Scientific socialism the modern communism the marxism and the histocical materialism the was born in 1820 in Prusia and died in 1895 in London. He also contributed in the classes war and took part on the firstandsecondILO.
  • A.I.T

    Organización que agrupó a sindicalistas ingleses, anarquistas, socialistas franceses y republicanos italianos. Se fundó en Londres en 1864 y se disolvió después por problemas entre socialistas y anarquistas. En 1889 se funda la Internacional Socialista o Segunda Internacional que consiguió muchos logros.
  • Primero de mayo

    Primero de mayo
    Día internacional de los trabajadores, en conmemoración del movimiento obrero mundial, fundado por la Internacional Socialista el 1 de mayo de 1889. Fue efectivo en casi todos los países. Se celebra en homenaje a los mártires de Chicago, sindicalistas ejecutados en EEUU por pedir mejoras laborales.
  • Thomas Alva Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison
    American scientist, inventor and businessman that created things related to the elctricity such as the phonograph, light bulb and the first power plant. He was born in 1847 in Ohio and died in 1931 in New Jersey. He was one of the firsts who used the chain production so he's also recognised as the creator of the first lab about industrial investigation.