Biography of Diego Munoz Camargo

  • Period: 1529 to


  • 1545

    Camargo Arrives in Tlaxcala

    He moves to Tlaxcala, where he marries Leonor Vázquez, an indigenous noblewoman. The couple has two children: Isabel and Diego.
  • Period: 1561 to

    Camargo works as an Interpretor

    Serves as an interpreter for the mayor’s office in Tlaxcala, playing a key role in legal and political affairs.
  • Period: 1580 to

    Borrador - Historia Tlaxcala is Written

  • Appointed in Government Position

    Appointed as "teniente" (deputy) of the Tlaxcalan alcalde mayor (chief magistrate) and interpreter for the court of the governor.
  • Travels to Spain for Recognition of Tlaxcala

    Travels to Spain with a delegation of notable Tlaxcalans to petition King Philip II for the confirmation of their privileges, a request that is successfully granted.
  • Descrpcion - Carmgo begins Relaciones Geograficas

  • New Position in Town Council

    Becomes administrator of the town council’s estates in Tlaxcala, strengthening his influence in local governance.
  • Beginning draft of Suma y Epiloga

  • Recieves buisness grant

    Receives a large land grant for salt production from the viceroy and secures a six-year monopoly on the enterprise, further expanding his economic power.
  • First Discovery of Manuscript

  • Fray Francisco de las Navas y Salcedo possesses a copy

  • Suma housed at Colegio Jesulta

  • Museo Borturinin Manuscript is Records

  • Borturini Benaduci References Camargo

    Boturini describes it as a 64-folio Spanish-language manuscript with missing beginning and end.
  • Period: to

    Historia enters the Biblioteca Universidad de Mexico

  • Historia - Mariana Fernández de Echeverría Copy

  • Historia - Copy made by Diego Panes

  • Descripcion - Glasgow copy is made

  • Historia - Copy made by Uguina

  • Historia - Copy made by Antonio de León y Gama

  • Suma - José María Luis Mora copy

  • Historia - Ternaux Compans copy made

    Ternaux-Compans copies a version from Panes’ manuscript, labeling it Pedazo de historia de Nueva España.
  • Suma - British and Foreign Bible Society Copy

  • Historia - Carlos María de Bustamante copy made

  • Historia - Manuscript arrives in National Museum of Mexico

  • Historia - Copy by Cahauntzi

    Housed in Tlaxcala
  • Historia - Copy by Arrillaga

    Copy made in Mexico
  • Historia - Copy made by Juan Baptista Munoz

  • Historia - Manuscript Arrives in Paris

    Sent to Paris, where it remains today in the Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris (MS 210), described as a 64-leaf manuscript numbered 30-93.
  • Historia - copy made by Prescott

  • Historia - Library of Congress copy

  • Historia - Copy found in Rich collection

  • Historia - José Fernando Ramírez copy made

  • Historia - Copy found in Goupil Collection