Civil Rights movement

  • The KKK and white council

    The kkk advanced with violence significantly.
  • Brown V. Board

    The Supreme Court ruled against segregation in the south, claiming it went against the U.S constitution.
  • Murder of Emmet Till

    14 year old Emmet Till was accused of whistling at a white woman, resulting in a group of white men beating and killing him. His story brought an uproar around the country.
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    Montgomery bus boycotts

    Events known for the arrest of Rosa parks; African Americans protested segregation in public transportation by sitting in white seats.
  • Massive resistance

    A policy led by Harry F. Byrd, pushing resistance of desegregation as well.
  • Southern manifesto

    Condemned the brown v. board of education, pushing resistance of desegregation.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    a group of 9 black students showed up to high school in Arkansas, creating an angry white mob. The president sent a team to protect these kids.
  • Civil rights act of 1957

    The first Civil Rights legislation to protect black voting rights.
  • Executive Order 10730

    President Eisenhower sent troops to protect the Little Rock nine, and enforced desegregation in public schools.
  • Cooper v. Aaron

    Supreme court ruled that one could ignore or delay Brown V. Board of Education.
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    Greensboro Sit-ins

    started with 4 black students who supported the “peaceful protest” idea, and sat down at a white lunch counter. This helped other African Americans to do the same.
    [sit-ins movie]
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    Boyton V. Virginia

    The Supreme Court ruled against segregation on public transportation, jump starting the freedom rides.
  • Gomillion V. Lightfoot

    the Supreme Court shut down racial discrimination in Alabama, who proceeded to exclude black voters.
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    Baker V. Carr

    A famous Court case that created “one person one vote.”
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    Freedom Rides

    much the sit-ins this was a peaceful protest. Activists would ride busses to reduce segregation in public transportation. This resulted in many famous brutal events. They met beatings, hosings, and attacks during these rides.
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    Albany Movement

    A protest in Albany, Georgia, trying to desegregate the area. This came with a mass arrest and even Hosing.
  • James Meredith and the integration of Ole Miss

    James Meredith was the first black citizen to enroll at the University of Massachusetts, triggering a riot that killed 2 people.
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    Cambridge Movement

    A huge civil rights campaign was led that sparked the declaration of martial against segregation.
  • Orval Faunus and Little Rock.

    The Alabama governor declared that black students will not be accepted, and attempted to personally block students.
  • Equal pay act

    This act reduced wage discrimination against minorites.
  • Birmingham Children’s Crusade

    100s of children from ages 7 to 18 marched in Birmingham, and were met with extreme violence. Children were hosed, dogs were let out, and beatings were given. Most of these children were arrested.
  • Murder of Medgar Evers

    Murder of Medgar Evers
    Civil Rights leader, Medgar Evan’s was murder in his own driveway by the KKK, in Jackson Mississippi.
  • March on Washington for Freedom and jobs.

    March on Washington for Freedom and jobs.
    250,000 people marched down to the capitol, where Leader and activist Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous, “I Have A Dream” speech.
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    St. Augustine Protests

    These were staged sit-ins and marches leading to white mobs and riots. This act was to help push the civil rights act of 1964.
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    Mississippi Freedom Summer

    a campaign to register Black voters without poll taxes and intimidation. After this movement, 3 people were outed to he KKK, and were murdered.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    The 24th amendment abolished Poll taxes, which were used to keep African Americans from voting.
  • Bloody Tuesday

    in Selma Alabama, a group of peaceful activist were brutally attacked ad killed by police officers with dogs and bats. [timetoast]
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    Civil rights act of 1964
    Banned segregation in public places, and discrimination and unequal employment
  • Bloody Sunday

    600 Peace marchers were attacked in Alabama with whips, tear gas dogs, and clubs. This was televised, exposing the brutality to all of the U.S.
    [Blood Sunday anniversary]