Civil rights timeline

  • Tulsa, Masacre

    Tulsa, Masacre
    A young black boy that was shoe shinning was accused of assulting a young white woman In Tulsa Ok. Later on that day he was taken into jail and sent to court for his trail. A mob of African American where outside in a peacfull way wanting justice for him. Later on white people where there. After the white people where added a death broke out. The two agonizing days resulted in about 30/300 people dead mostly African Americans.
  • Brown V. Board of education

    Brown V. Board of education
    In May 17 1954, Mr. Brown was trying to send he daughter to a school she was denied access because she was of color. He took that to the supreme court and then he was saying that it wasn't fair that and she need it the right to be in school. In a 0-9 decision the "sperate but equal" was band from school giving black students the way of going to school with the kids.
  • Emmett TIll

    Emmett TIll
    Emmett Till was a 14 year old boy that was linched because he said and wisled something inappropriate to a white woman in a convince store in Mississippi. He was accused of trying to rape her and doing horrible things to her. Which non were true. After Tills family reconciled the people that did it. THe stranded before trial and in a 1 hour and 7 minute case they were found non gulti. After the trail was over the told a news paper that they did in fact kill till. No justice was served for Till.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks was a actives for black people rights. In December 1 1955 she refused to give up her seat in a bus for a white guy. She was in the middle row of the bus meaning that she could be there. When the white person got in on the bus she refused to move. The bus driver was telling her to move she didn't want to. The police got called and later parks was taken in the station. This started a massive boycott of bus ridding and making a stop on bus segregation.
  • SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conferene)

    SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conferene)
    This was a bus boycott to had happened to rosa parks. For 381 days Africans Americans protested against the Mongomory segregated bus system. They refused to use the bus until the buses were unsegregated. The boycott ended in Deember 21 1956 Staring in December 2 1955. A day after Rosa Parks arrest for refusing to give her seat up for a white person.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    This was when 9 African Amerian students attempted to deseggragate the school systems. The were escorted with U.S army and very high and powerful police. The students where called names and much more. They took everything just to make a change in the school like Brown v. Board of education did. They wanted the school stop be equal for everyone.
  • Greensboro

    Greensboro event was when 4 colleges students decided to sit-in in a only white place. They didn't do anything it was a nonviolent protest. The students were called names and much more. The police was called they didn't do anything because there was no provocation for the students side. A few days the came back with about 300 students from different Colleges to do the sit-ins.