Educational Technology

  • Ipad was invented

    Ipad was invented
    The ipad was invented in 2010 and created a huge impact for schools. Ipads were a great way for kids to have more cooperation and motivation to learn in new ways.
  • Chromebook was invented

    Chromebook was invented
    The chromebooks started becoming available to school in the year 2011. The chromebook gave them instant available resources that were available to the students and the teachers.
  • Video Learning was invented

    Video Learning was invented
    Video Learning was invented in 2012. This tool is accessible to students to perform at their own pace. They had visual material that helped students stay engaged in their learning environments without falling behind in the classroom.
  • Open Textbooks were invented

    Open Textbooks were invented
    Open textbooks were invented in the year 2013. This was a tremendous help in the classroom because it had easy access and was affordable for all students.
  • Google Classroom was invented

    Google Classroom was invented
    Google Classroom was invented in 2014. It gave the students and teachers a chance to change from pencil and paper straight to online based. Which made it easier for teachers to assign work and for the students to complete everything to turn in.
  • Digital badges were invented

    Digital badges were invented
    Digital badges were invented in 2015. This helped create a fun environment for students and showed their achievements to help them gain confidence in their classroom settings.
  • AI was invented

    AI was invented
    AI was invented in 2016. This is an amazing tool for everyone because it can help match a student’s strengths and weaknesses and can give people feedback to fix their mistakes.
  • E-Textbooks Became Popular

    E-Textbooks Became Popular
    E-Textbooks became popular in 2017. This gave students a lot of interaction in the classroom with the options of quizzes, videos, and more learning materials to access.
  • Interactive e-books were invented

    Interactive e-books were invented
    Interactive e-books were invented in 2018. This can help the students have access to all books instead of being concerned about possibly sharing a textbook or not having one when they go home to complete their homework.
  • The Cloud was invented

    The Cloud was invented
    The Cloud was invented in 2019. The cloud worked great for efficiency and enabled educational tools that were easily accessed.
  • Zoom Became Available

    Zoom Became Available
    Zoom became available in 2020. This tool is amazing for connections. They could hold parent/teacher conferences or student/teacher conferences. It can also help with communication between the student and their families with their teachers.