Marriage of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Louis XVI becomes king
Period: to
Queen Marie Antoinette's spending period
All of Marie's spending is believed to have contributed massively to the country's debt. -
Calling of General Estates
Louis XVI called the general estates to solve the country's debt problem. This led to the revolution building and eventually taking control of the populace. -
National Assembly forms
When the Assembly forms, they take an oath, which is known to this day as the Tennis Court Oath, to meet there every day until they have formed a draft constitution agreed upon by all members and those who would be governed by it. -
Storming of the Bastille
The populace of France, enraged by the county's continued debt and near economic ruin, decide to act and storm the Bastille, a symbol of monarch rule and where most never come back. -
The returning of the royal family to Paris.
This is the day that the royal family no longer lived in the Palace of Versailles, but now lived in the royal palace in Paris. As they were returned, the people chanted "To Paris!" "To Paris!" -
Napoleon joins a regiment at Auxonne
Napoleon is promoted to Lieutenant
Napoleon also gets reassigned to the 4th artillery regiment at Valence -
Flight to Varennes
The royal family unsuccessfully tries to flee Paris on the night of June 20th, but were caught before they could get away. -
Execution of Louis XVI
Committee of Public Safety is created
Marat assassinated by Charlotte Corday
Charlotte Corday hears about how his press is causing much harm to the people of the revolution, so she decides to kill him in hopes of saving the spirit of the revolution, but it only made things worse. -
Robespierre takes his place in the Committee of Public Safety
Robespierre joins the committee of public safety and begins adding ideas and becomes the main voice of the committee. -
Reign of Terror starts.
On this day, Robespierre initiates the reign of terror, Marat and he fuel the killing and anger of the revolution. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
Execution of Marie Antoinette
Maximilien Robespierre executed by guillotine
Napoleon Bonaparte orchestrates coup d'état
Known as the Coup of 18 Brumaire, it effectively overthrew the French Directory and brought Napoleon to power as the First Consul of France -
End of the French Revolution
Napoleon names self Emperor