
  • Early beginning

    1904-1906 1904: The Apostolic Church movement originates from a Pentecostal revival that swept through Wales. The early Pentecostal movement focuses on the restoration of he spiritual gift.
    1906: The Apostolic Church begins when the leaders, form a distinct group.
  • The forming of the Apostolic church

    The Apostolic church established in the United Kingdom. It started as a part of the movement Broader Pentecostal movement bt then growed into a actual church.
  • Split

    For a period of time Welsh churches were associated with William oliver. But on january 8th 1916 Daniel powell Williams and most of the Welsh assemblies seprated.
  • Expansion of Apostolic church

    in 1917 a second group was formed. The Apostolic church spread to other countries.
  • Huge growth

    In the 1950s-70s The church spread rapidly across the countires, It had a global expansion.
  • Modern era

    The Apostolic church began in various countries began to expand and gain influence many churches focused on missionary efforts in regions where pentcostalism were growing.
  • Present time

    The Apostolic churches grew focused on bigger goals spread really big in countries such as asia and africa. In 2016 the denomination celebrated its 100th anniversary and had approximimatley 100 countries