Vin Mariani
Angelo Mariani mixed coca leaves and red wine creating stimulant effects for rich people. -
First Energy Drink
The first energy drink released to the public was called Lipovitan-D and was created in Japan. The original drink was created to combat fatigue, with vitamins and taurine. -
Krating Deang invented
The original non carbonated Red Bull was created in Thailand for laborers. -
Jolt Cola
A pop that became very popular in the United States, as Red Bull was not introduced until 1996. -
America meets Red Bull
Red Bull was introduced to the states 9 years after being introduced in Austria in 1987 -
Rockstar Energy
Rockstar Energy introduced a new size than people were used to, as Red Bull cans were 8.4 ounces Rockstar introduced 16 ounces. -
5 hour energy
5-hour energy brought zero sugar, low calories, and a quick shot for that energy boost unlike any before. -
The boom
In 2005 energy drinks had a rise of over 60% in sales. Sales would reach around 2 billion dollars going into 2006 -
C4 Energy
C4 features physical performance ingredients like CarnoSyn beta-alanine and BetaPower betaine that are unlike other brands. -
Redline extreme
The drink having the most caffeine in it, with 316 mg for an 8oz can. -
Deaths caused by 5-hour energy
12 deaths were reported in 4 years due to 5 hour energy -
Washingtons new laws
Washington state started to ban energy drinks to people under the age of 18, as they were considered deadly.