Mexican history 2

By MaferCM
  • U.S constitution

    U.S constitution
    Introduced federalism, checks and balances, and individual rights, which influenced later Mexican constitutions.
  • French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    Inspired ideas of liberty, equality, and popular sovereignty.
  • Spanish Constitution of Cádiz

    Spanish Constitution of Cádiz
    Established a constitutional monarchy and limited the power of the Spanish king. It influenced early Mexican liberal thought.
  • Constitution of Apatzingán

    Constitution of Apatzingán
    The first attempt at a Mexican constitution, heavily influenced by the Cádiz Constitution, promoting independence and republican ideals.
  • The beginning of Mexican independence

    The beginning of Mexican independence
    Mexico started to fight for it independence
  • Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States

    Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States
    Created a federal republic similar to the U.S. system, dividing powers among branches and states.
  • Complains

    French citizens in Mexico complain about damages to their businesses, including a French pastry chef who demands compensation.
  • The Seven Laws (Constitutional Bases)

    The Seven Laws (Constitutional Bases)
    Shifted Mexico to a centralist government, reducing state autonomy.
  • Demands

    France demands 600,000 pesos from Mexico.
  • U.S invasion to Mexico

    U.S invasion to Mexico
    U.S invaded Mexico
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    Agreement between Mexico and U.S that ended war
  • Mexican Constitution

    Mexican Constitution
    Restored federalism, strengthened individual rights, and included secular reforms, influencing the separation of church and state.
  • Defeat in war against the U.S

    Defeat in war against the U.S
    Lead to territorial loss and political instability
  • French expedition

    French expedition
    An attempt by France, led by Emperor Napoleon III, to establish a European-controlled monarchy in Mexico.
  • France invades Mexico.

  • Battle of Puebla

    Mexican victory at the Battle of Puebla (Cinco de Mayo). It was a symbol of resistance
  • Second empire

    France establishes the Second Mexican Empire under Emperor Maximilian I.
  • End of french power

    Maximilian is executed, ending French rule.
  • Porfirio días took control of Mexico

    Porfirio días took control of Mexico
    The Porfiriato started characterized by:
    Economic modernization (railroads, foreign investment, and industrialization).
    Political repression (eliminating opposition and controlling elections).
    Land concentration (haciendas expanded, displacing peasants and Indigenous communities).
  • The Mexican revolution begins

    The Mexican revolution begins
    Mexico started to fight for its freedom
  • Plan of San Luis

    Francisco I. Madero issues the Plan de San Luis Potosí, calling for an armed revolt against Porfirio Díaz.
    • Marks the beginning of the Mexican Revolution (November 20, 1910).
  • Plan of Ayala

    Emiliano Zapata issues the Plan of Ayala, rejecting Francisco I. Madero’s presidency and calling for land reform.
    • It demands land redistribution and supports agrarian rights.
  • Plan of Guadalupe

    Venustiano Carranza proclaims the Plan of Guadalupe after the assassination of Francisco I. Madero.
    • It rejects Victoriano Huerta’s presidency and calls for constitutional restoration.
  • Mexican Constitution

    Mexican Constitution
    Still in force today, it introduced social rights, land reforms, labor laws, and limited foreign influence over resources. It was inspired by socialist, liberal, and revolutionary ideas.
  • Plan of Agua Prieta

    Álvaro Obregón, Plutarco Elías Calles, and Adolfo de la Huerta issue the Plan of Agua Prieta, rejecting Venustiano Carranza’s government.
    • Leads to Carranza’s downfall and Obregón’s presidency.