Module Eleven Lesson Two Practice Activity Two_Elijah Cooley

  • Founding of the Fascist Party

    Founding of the Fascist Party
    Mussolini founded the Fasci di Combattimento, later the Fascist Party, in Milan. The group attracted discontented war veterans and used violent paramilitary tactics to suppress socialist and communist movements in Italy.
  • Hitler Joins the German Workers’ Party

    Hitler Joins the German Workers’ Party
    Hitler attended a meeting of the German Workers’ Party in Munich and soon became its most influential member. He transformed the group into the Nazi Party, using propaganda and speeches to spread nationalist and anti-Semitic ideas.
  • Stalin Appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party

    Stalin Appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party
    Stalin’s appointment as the General Secretary of the Communist Party allowed him to control party bureaucracy and place loyalists in key positions. Though initially seen as a minor role, he used it to consolidate power, eventually outmaneuvering rivals like Trotsky and Bukharin.
  • Period: to

    March on Rome

    Mussolini and his Blackshirts marched on Rome, demanding political control. Rather than resist, King Victor Emmanuel III appointed Mussolini as Prime Minister on October 30. This marked the collapse of Italian democracy and the beginning of his dictatorship
  • Period: to

    Beer Hall Putsch

    Hitler led a failed coup in Munich, attempting to overthrow the Weimar government. He was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison, but only served nine months. During this time, he wrote Mein Kampf, outlining his future plans for Germany.
  • Death of Lenin

    Death of Lenin
    With Lenin’s death, a power struggle erupted. Stalin used his position to portray himself as Lenin’s rightful successor, forming strategic alliances to marginalize Trotsky. By controlling Lenin’s funeral arrangements and suppressing his final criticisms, Stalin eventually secured political dominance.
  • Mussolini Declares Dictatorship

    Mussolini Declares Dictatorship
    After suppressing opposition and consolidating power, Mussolini delivered a speech to the Italian Parliament, officially declaring himself the dictator. He dissolved democratic institutions, censored the press, and banned opposition parties, ensuring absolute control.
  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    President Hindenburg reluctantly appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany, believing he could be controlled. This appointment gave Hitler legal access to power, which he soon exploited to dismantle democracy.
  • Reichstag Fire

    Reichstag Fire
    The Reichstag was set on fire, and the Nazis blamed communists. Hitler used this event to push through the Reichstag Fire Decree, which suspended civil liberties and allowed mass arrests of political opponents, paving the way for Nazi dictatorship.
  • Enabling Act Passed

    Enabling Act Passed
    The Enabling Act granted Hitler dictatorial powers, allowing him to pass laws without Reichstag approval. This effectively ended democracy in Germany and solidified Hitler’s control over the state.
  • Night of the Long Knives

    Night of the Long Knives
    Hitler ordered the execution of SA leaders, including Ernst Röhm, to secure the loyalty of the military and eliminate rivals. This purge demonstrated Hitler’s willingness to use violence to maintain power.
  • Hitler Becomes Führer

    Hitler Becomes Führer
    Upon President Hindenburg’s death, Hitler combined the roles of Chancellor and President, declaring himself Führer of Germany. The military swore an oath of loyalty to him personally, marking the total consolidation of his rule.
  • Soviet Constitution Adopted

    Soviet Constitution Adopted
    The new Soviet Constitution, while appearing democratic, solidified Stalin’s dictatorship. It centralized power under the Communist Party, and eliminated opposition and granted Stalin full control over Soviet governance.
  • Pact of Steel Signed

    Pact of Steel Signed
    Mussolini formally aligned Italy with Nazi Germany by signing the Pact of Steel. This military and political alliance committed Italy to support Germany in future conflicts, further establishing Mussolini’s totalitarian rule.
  • Assassination of Leon Trotsky

    Assassination of Leon Trotsky
    Stalin’s agents assassinated Trotsky in Mexico, eliminating his last major rival. This signified the completion of Stalin’s total control over the Soviet Union, as no significant opposition to his rule remained.