Oldest in class I assume. -
Honestly, I can't remember the accurate time when I first encountered this game. But I remember it was at my grandfather's younger brother's home with my cousins playing in turn. At that time Nintendo game consoles were very rare in China, especially a small city where I was born. This game was an unprecedented experience for the children.
Nintendo, 1985, Super Mario Bros., video game, Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo
Mario's history -
In 1994, I was a primary school kid and fascinated by this animation called . Naturally, I was fascinated by this game(sport). It's a taller people's game. It's always been a challenge for me because I'm a short person. But I enjoy it very much. James W. Naismith, 1891, Basketball, Sport Game. -
Half-life Counter-strike
The first-person view game was quite a new type of video game to most of us. Some of my friends found it hard to play because the view movements caused dizziness. I got used to it quickly but I can't say I was good at it. However, it was a pretty fun experience to play this game with my friends. Valve. (2015). Tactical first-person shooter[Video game]. Sierra Studios. -
Warcraft III
I was addicted to this game when I played it for the first time. The game requires a strategic mind as well as accurate and fast operations. I still remember the time when I played with my friends secretly after school. (The net cafe was forbidden to enter by the schools at that time), and learn from the professional players when I was in college. Blissard Entertainment. (2002). Real-time strategy[PC video game]. Blissard Entertainment. -
Mahjong(Ma Jiang)
I would say Mahjong is a national game in China. (like PingPong). It took me quite some time to learn how to play by watching my parents' generation play. The rules are different in different areas of China. I find the game mixes strategy, psychology and mathematics. One can play it well either by great experience or a great brain. Unknown, 19th century, China, Table Tile-based game. -
World of Warcraft
This game was an epic released at the beginning of the 21st century. I was fascinated by the magnificent virtual world they built as well as the grand narrative story background behind this game. It suits players with different purposes, such as Quest maniacs, PVP enthusiasts and Raid lovers. Blissard Entertainment. (2004). MMORPG [PC game]. Blissard Entertainment.