16 day battle in world war 2, where Japanese attacked atoll of Wake Island. The Japanese won this battle. Article Vid
Los Alamos, NM
A top secret U.S site where atomic bombs were tested. Started in 1942 but was used constantly throughout the war. Article Vid
This battle was in the United States and the Philippines against the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy. The Japanese won the battle, therefore led to the Bataan Death March. Article Vid
Battle of the Coral Sea
This was a battle between the Japanese Navy and U.S Airforce. The U.S won this battle. Article Vid
Battle of Midway
The U.S intercepted a Japanese invasion fleet headed for Midway. This was a U.S victory. Article Vid
Island Hopping
This was a tactic of warfare used in WWII. It was the strategy of taking over a nearby island and moving on to the next to take it over also. Article Vid
This was a major allied victory in WWII. The U.S surprised the Japanese and secured an airstrip on the island's northern coast. Article Vid
Battle of Tarawa
This was a 3 day battle between the U.S and the Japanese. This was fought on the Gilbert islands and had over 3000 casualties. Article Vid
Leyte Gulf
This was the largest naval battle of WWII. This ended in an allied victory. Article Vid
This is the capital city of the Philippines in which a battle was fought. It was between the U.S/Philippines against the Japanese. Article Vid
Iwo Jima
This was a 36 day battle between the U.S and the Japanese over the territory of Iwo Jima. Nearly 20 thousand Japanese soldiers were killed. Article Vid
This was the bloodiest battle in the Pacific. This was a base for allied forces to set up air strikes, as it was secured by the U.S on June 4th. Article Vid
On August 6th, the U.S dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. This caused significant damage to the Japanese island as it killed tens of thousands immediately. Article Vid
On August 9th, the U.S dropped another atomic bomb on the island of Nagasaki, Japan. This also caused significant damage. This bomb was code named "fat man." Article Vid
Tokyo Bay
The Japanese surrendered Tokyo Bay in September, essentially concluding the war. It was led by Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu. Article Vid