Owen Roth

By ksnell9
  • 570


    Muhammad is born. Muhammad is bron into a powerful meccan family. An angel talked to Muhammad one night when he was meditating.
  • May 10, 632


    Muhammad died in 632 b.c. Muslims didnt have a leader so the muslim world divided into Shiyas and shiites.
  • May 17, 632


    Abu - Bakr and the next three elected caliphs used the Qur'an. Also they used Muhammads actions as guides to leadership, their rule was called a caliphate
  • May 17, 750


    The Muslim empire stretched 6,000 miles. There expansion stopped due to wars halting them from getting north
  • Imperialism, suez canal

    The Suez Canal is created. The Suez Canal joines the red and Meditterranean see.
  • Balfour Declaration, Israel

    Britain issued the Balfour Declaration pledging to help establish a nation home for jews in Palestine. British hoped the decleration would rally jewsih opinion.
  • Israel, Population

    Israel, Population
    Zionists moved to Palestine. The Jewish population in Palestine rose from 84,000 to 445,000.
  • Imperialism

    Saudi Arabia declares independence in 1932. Saudi Arabia has alot of oil resources that countries were trying to take from it.
  • Historical Events

    Oil is discovered and production begins under the US controlled ARAMCO (Arabian American Oil Company).
  • Israel created

    Israel created
    Israel was created. This complicated the U.S. efforts to retain friends in the Persian Golf
  • Israel, day after independence.

    Egypt, Syria, Transjordam, Lebanaon, and Iraq invaded Israel. In fear of such an attack Israel had been collecting weapons for years.
  • Israel, truce

    a truce was reached in January of 1949. By that time Israel had taken over a large portion of land that the UN had designated for the Palestinians.
  • Israel invades Sinia Peninsula.

    Israel invades Sinia Peninsula.
    Israel invaded the Sinia Peninsula and the Gaza strip.this was in the first week of the 1956 war.
  • Imperialism nasser

    Nasser merged Egypt and Syria together. This was for his pan - Arabist campaign
  • Historical Events

    Saudi Arabia is a founding member of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries).
  • Imperialism

    United Nations Security Council calls for a return of the territory seized by Israel, recognition of Israel by the Arab states, a reaffirmation of the principle of free navigation, and for future peace and stability in the region.
  • Israel. Six day war

    Israel. Six day war
    Israel engages in the armed conflict with countries Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Isrialites crippled Arabs air forces.
  • Historical Events

    Saudi Arabia leads an oil boycott against the Western countries that supported Israel in the October War against Egypt and Syria leading to the quadrupling of oil prices.
  • Historical Events

    Saudi Arabia leads an oil boycott against the Western countries that supported Israel in the October War against Egypt and Syria leading to the quadrupling of oil prices.
  • Israel, peace with egypt

    Israel sign peace treaty with Egypt. They were hostile neihgbors for 31 years.
  • Historical Events

    Extremists seize the Grand Mosque of Mecca; the government regains control after 10 days and those captured are executed
  • Historical Events

    Saudi Arabia severs diplomatic relations with Egypt after it makes peace with Israel
  • Judaism

    1800 b.c. Abraham went to canann. Canann is the holy land for jews
  • Judaism

    1300 b.c to 1200 b.c. The Exodus, Hebrews flee Egypt. Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt
  • Christianity

    4 BC. Jesus is born. Jesus was born in Bethlehem
  • Jewish population increases

    As Zionists moved to Palestine the Jewish population in Palestine rose from 84,000 to 445,000. Or about 30 % of the total population.
  • Judaism

    1020 b.c to 922 b.c. Hebrews are united under 3 kings. Saul, David, and Solomon.
  • Judaism

    738 b.c. The Jewsih people had been split into 2 kingdoms. Israel in the north and Judah in the south.
  • Judaism

    1650 b.c. Abraham's descendants moved to Egypt. In Egypt they jews were enslaved.
  • Period: to


    1300 b.c - 1200 b.c. Hebrews flee egypt ( The Exodus). Moses led jews out of slavery in Egypt
  • Historical Events

    Saudi foreign minister says his country will not allow the US to use its facilities to attack Iraq, even in a UN-sanctioned strike.
  • Christianity in Roman Empire. Christianity

    Christianity in Roman Empire. Christianity
    In 380 christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire. The Roman empire remained Christian untill it fell