Period 6

By aln1107
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    Indian Wars

    A series of conflicts between the Native Americans and the white settlers.
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    Perry Expedition

    A diplomatic trip to Japan to establish relations between the Japanese and the United States
  • Homestead Act

    Gave all US citizens a grant to 160 acres of land as long as they don't bear arms
  • Pacific Railroads Act

    Aided the construction of the railroads and telegraph lines from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean
  • Alaska Purchase

    The purchase of Alaska, by the US, sold from Russia
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    National Grange Movement

    Encouraged families to band together to promote economic and political well-being of the community and agriculture
  • Knights of Labor

    An organization of skilled and unskilled workers who campaigned for better working conditions and shorter hours
  • Social Gospel

    A belief in combating injustice, suffering, and poverty in society
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    Jim Crow Laws

    Laws set in place to segregate African Americans from basic public ammenities
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    Standard Oil Trust

    Controlled almost all oil production, processing, marketing, and transportation in the United States
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    Social Darwinism

    The idea that certain people in society become more successful because they are better
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Banned all Chinese immigration for 10 years
  • Pendleton Act

    Set in place a system for government employees to take an exam to qualify for their jobs rather than appointment from the President
  • Wabash vrs. Illinois

    Ruled that the states had no power to rule over the railroads for interstate shipments
  • American Federation of Labor

    Gave workers the right to bargain for wages, hours, and benefits
  • Dawes Severalty Act

    Encouraged Native American tribes to break up, and promoted them to assimilate into society
  • Interstate Commerece Act

    Addressed the problem of railroad monopolies by setting guidelines for how they could do business
  • Hull House

    A settlement founded by Jane Adams in Chicago, to help out immigrants assimilate into society
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Law passed by congress that prohibited trusts, monopolies, and cartels
  • Gospel of Wealth

    Claimed that wealthy Americans should be obligated to spend their money for the greater good of society
  • Wounded Knee

    A battle fought that resulted in the American Indian Movement seizing South Dakota
  • Ghost Dance Movement

    A religious dance performed by the Native Americans to contact spirits of their ancestors
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    Ashcan School

    An artistic movement in America that portrayed scenes of daily NYC life often in the poorest neighborhoods
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    Carnegie Steel

    The biggest steel monopoly in early American buisness
  • Omaha Reform

    Proposed a federal loan system so farmers could get the money they needed
  • Homestead Strike

    A violent strike the ensued between the guards hired by Pinkerton and workers, and 16 people were killed
  • Panic of 1894

    One of the most severe financial crises in United States history, due to bank failures and a decline in the stock market
  • Turner Thesis

    This theory believed that the availability of unsettled land throughout American history was the most important factor determining national development
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman refused to meet with workers to listen to their requests about better wages and working conditions so all the workers walked off in protest
  • Coxey's Army

    An organized march to DC, by Jacob Coxey, to rally for federally supported road-building programs
  • Plessy vrs. Ferguson

    Upheld a Louisiana State Law that allowed for "equal but separate accommodations for white and colored races"
  • Cross of Gold Speech

    A speech tat argued for the US Treasury to make silver to be a part of the American economy