Period: to
Scientific Management
An idea on how to make factory work more efficient, made by Fredrick Taylor -
Period: to
Australian Secret Ballot
Gave voting power back to the people and allowed voting to be done in private -
Period: to
Investigative journalists that exposed American corruption -
Atlanta Compromise
Speech made to encourage Whites to trust Blacks and give them equal opportunities in life -
Period: to
Philippine-American War
The US attacked Spanish naval occupation of the Philippines so the US could control the region -
Spanish-American War
Spain and the US fought over the rule of Cuba -
Annexation of Hawai'i
Hawai'i was named a US territory and eventually a state -
Open Door Policy
The US asked European powers in Chine to observe the trading privileges in China -
Period: to
Square Deal
Helped solve the coal strikes by being a neutral party and facilitating a peaceful resolvent -
Roosevelt Corollary
New policy that says that the US will only intervene in the Western Hemisphere as a last resort only if certain needs are met -
Meat Inspection Act
Assured consumers meat packing plants would conform to a minimum standard of sanitation -
Niagara Movement
A group of black intellectuals that met to discuss protests and acts to battle segregation and racism -
Pure Food and Drug Act
passed by congress to inspect American made goods and make sure the food being sold is up to standard -
Period: to
Dollar Diplomacy
The US can loan money to foreign nations in return the US gained power over the nations government and decision making -
Period: to
Great Migration
Mass movement of black southerners to the urbanized northern cities -
Election of 1912
Election between Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Wilson -
Seventeenth Amendment
Changed the power of electing senators from state legislatures to the people -
Federal Reserve Act
Created a national currency and a monetary system -
Clayton Antitrust Act
Outlawed anti-competitive merging, discriminatory pricing, and unethical corporate behavior -
Federal Trade Commission
Prevented unfair competition in commerce -
Period: to
Moral Diplomacy
A driving force to push democracies on other nations -
Panama Canal
Built by the US and it shortened the distance between the eastern and western ports -
a sunken US passenger ship that killed many citizens of the US and prompted America to join the war -
Zimmerman Telegraph
Intercepted telegram from Germany that was telling Mexico to start a war with the US -
Period: to
American Expeditionary Force
Formed for America to take command of the western front of the war -
Eighteenth Amendment (Prohibition)
Outlawed the making and selling of alcohol -
Treaty of Versailles
Punished Germany for their actions during WW1 -
Schenck v. United States
Schenck sued the US government because he believed the Espionage and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and violated his Freedom of Speech -
First Red Scare
Anti-communist sentiment and the fear of communist taking over the US -
Period: to
Ku Klux Klan
Group of white men who riot and protest against African Americans and the idea of treating them as equals -
Nineteenth Ammendment
Recognized the right of women to vote -
Period: to
Lost Generation
The loss of traditional values and ideas due to the generation who grew up during WW1 -
Period: to
Jazz Age
A nationwide reform in the 20's in the US, that brought forth an economic boom and a new style influenced by African American culture -
Period: to
Harlem Renaissance
Cultural movement centered around African American arts in the Manhattan burrow -
Emergency Quota Act
a limit of immigrants from certain nations that are allowed to enter the United States -
Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
Trial against two anarchists who advocated for a violent overthrow of the governement -
Period: to
Washington Conference
Discussion about the US navy and how to relieve growing tensions in Asia -
National Origins Act
Limited the number of immigrants allowed into the US -
Dawes Plan
Germany's payments towards the aftermath of the war will increase whenever their economy begins to increase -
Scopes Trial
Trial against the matter of teaching evolution in schools rather than the Christian belief of creation -
Kellogg-Briand Treaty
An agreement to outlaw war for the reasons of resolving international disputes -
Wall Street Crash
The value of stocks plummeted and many people lost money as a result, and this was one of the key moments in the beginning of the Great Depression -
Period: to
Dust Bowl
Severe drought and dust storms covered the Great Plains that caused many deaths and impoverished thousands -
Bonus March
Consisted of bonus army men gathered payments for their service certificates from WW1 -
The National Rifle Association helps protect the American right to bear arms -
The Agricultural Adjustment Association helped restore agricultural prosperity during the Great Depression -
The Civilian Conservation Corps helped find jobs for young unemployed men -
The Tennessee Valley Act helped stop flooding and restore electricity to the state -
Period: to
Good Neighbor Party
Non-intervention and Non-interference in Latin American affairs -
Wagner Act
Established a board that helped address relations between unions and employers of private sectors -
The Works Progress Administration provided jobs for struggling Americans in the Great Depression -
Social Security Act
Created social security and helped provide retirement -
Period: to
Neutrality Act
Made transporting or providing weapons to foreign nations in times of war -
Court Reorganization Plan
Created the Ninth Circuit and the US Court of Appeals -
Period: to
Recession of 1937-1938
The drop in the American economy and the GDP -
Fair Labor Standards Act
Established minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor laws -
Pearl Harbor
A Japanese attack against a US naval base in Hawai'i, during WW1 -
Four Freedoms
4 speeches (Freedom, Want, Fear, and Worship) all given by 4 different men -
Period: to
Manhattan Project
A top-secret government program that designed the making of the nuclear warheads that were later dropped on Japan -
Period: to
Mexican workers brought into the US for seasonal contacting labor -
Period: to
Double V Campaign
A movement during WW2 to combat systemic racism in America -
The drop site of one of the two nuclear warheads from the US on Japan -
Period: to
Island Hopping
An US strategy to take control of islands and build airstrips to help aid the US war effort -
US surprise invasion of the beaches in Normandy -
The second location of the US atomic bomb drop -
Koremastu v. United States
Legalized Japanese war camps during WW2 -
Yalta Conference
Discussion about the Soviets joining into the war against Japan -
Potsdam Conference
The US alerted the Soviet Leaders that atomic bombs were detonated on Japan -
United Nations
Group organized of the World Leaders to help prevent war and solve international affairs in a peaceful manner