Technological changes

  • Augmented Reality

    Augmented Reality
    This is the projection of people used a learn tool. It brings a 3d image into your environment. It is great for classes like anatomy.
  • Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence
    AI was introduced to as a virtual assistant. This was the creation of siri. This later lead to the creation of Alexa and XBOX Kinect.
  • Technological Devices

    Technological Devices
    iPads were introduced to classrooms in 2010. This was the first piece of technology of its kind in school. In the early 2020s Chromebook became popular along with apple products in the classroom. Chromebooks are Google devices.
  • Digital Homeroom

    Digital Homeroom
    Canvas and Google Classroom are used as virtual homerooms. They are used to send updates on homework and the days lesson. They are also used to communicate with teachers. Canvas was created in 2011 and Google Classroom in 2014.
  • Etextbook

    Etextbooks or online textbooks were first introduced to schools around 2013. This has changed the way student learn forever. Physical books are rarely used now in the United States.
  • Personal Devices

    Personal Devices
    Personal devices have allowed learning to be more mobile. Learning can be done from almost anywhere now. Tools like chalkboards and whiteboards are rarely used due to smartboards.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    Facebook and Instagram gained popularity in the early 2010s. Teachers began using them in the classroom around 2014. Before this it was never used in class.
  • 3D Printing

    3D Printing
    3D printing is used in classrooms to boost student engagement. It also helps students be creative. It also gives students to have a hands on experience with science, and technology. It can print out any design.