Theodore Roosevelts birth.
During Theodore Roosevelts youth he had poor health and asthma, these conditions made it so that he had to do things like hiking to manage it leading to his personality and pronature outlook. -
Becomes President following the assassination of McKinley
Following the assassination of McKinley on 9/14/1901 Theodore Roosevelt who was the vice-president, becomes the president. -
Anthracite Coal Strike
President Theodore Roosevelt summoned both the the corporation members and the striking workers in order to mediate the strike. The strike was causing increasing coal prices, leading and contributing to the energy crisis. -
Elkins Act
The Elkins Act amended the Interstate Commerce act in order to reduce the power of large railroad trusts by imposing fines on railroads that offered rebates and fines upon those who shipped with these rebates. -
Pelican Island becomes a National Wildlife Refuge
By an executive order, the 3 acres of land plus 2.5 acres of ocean became a National Wildlife Refuge. -
1904 Election
The first election that Theodore Roosevelt ran in, he won against Alton B. Parker with 56% of the votes. -
Yosemite is returned to the federal government
Although previously owned by the state government of california it was ceded to the federal government where it sits as federally protected to this day. -
Passing of the Pure Food and Drug act
Following the release of the novel "The Jungle" peoples outrage regarding its showing of the unsanitary practices of the meat industry, congress passed the Pure Food and Drug act to regulate food safety. -
Devils tower
The devils tower is the first national monument. its boundary ecompasses an area of 1347 acres. -
End of second term.
at the end of Roosevelts second term he left politics and went on a safari in africa. -
Theodore Roosevelt runs for a third term
taft's presidency was more conservative than Roosevelt liked so out of a sense duty he decided to run for a third term under his own party called the progressive party which was nicknamed the Bull moose party.