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The history of underwater rugby

By unaioh
  • The creation of underwater rugby

    The creation of underwater rugby
    It is a recent sport and its origins are given from associations of German divers during physical training.
  • The creator of underwater rugby

    In 1961, Ludwig von Bersuda, a member of the German Underwater Club, had the idea of ​​an underwater ball game.
  • Because they created underwater rugby?

    Underwater rugby was born in Germany around 1961 as complementary training for diving professionals.
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    The evolution of underwater rugby

    In the 80s, it became international with tournaments and in 1986 it was recognized by the CMAS. Since the 2000s, it has grown with world championships and global expansion, although it remains a little-known sport.
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    When it became international?

    Underwater rugby became international in 1980, when the first international tournament was held in Denmark. Although the sport was invented in Germany in the 1960s, its expansion to other European countries and the organization of international competitions began in the 1980s.