Muhammad is borned
Muhammad (name meaning: to praise, to glorify) was born in Mecca in 570. -
Death of Muhammad`s Mother
Aminah (Muhammad`s mother) died in 575. Following the death of his mother, Muhammad was then under the care of his grandfather. -
Death of Muhammad`s Grandfather
Three years following the death of his mother, Muhammad`s new care giver, 'Abd Al-Muttalib, passed away. Muhammad was left without a guardian once again. -
Muhammad is placed in the care of his Uncle
Following the death of his grandfather, Abu Talib began to be the caregiver of Muhammad. -
Muhammad Marries Khadija
In 595 C.E. Muhammad married Khadija. Khadija eventually played a huge role in supporting Muhammad. -
Jan 1, 610
The First Revelation
Muhammad was just outside of Mecca when a light appeared in the distance. The light drew closer and was eventually viewed as Angel Fibril (Gabriel). Gabriel is an angel who delivers messages from God. Gabriel said one word, iqra, meaning to recite. Muhammad responded saying that he was ummi. Like most people during this era they did not receive education. However the first verses of the Qur`an came out of Muhammad from his heart. Muhammad was chosen by God. -
Jan 1, 613
Muhammad takes his message public
Muhammad started to reveal the messages he was receiving to the public. The messages were gathered verse by verse, and these messages would later become to Qur`an. -
Jan 1, 615
Muhammad sent some Muslims to seek refuge in Abyssinia
This group of Muslims main goal was to go seek the Christian king and tell them their story. The king then asked them to quote some verses from the Qur`an. After hearing the verses he noticed that it was truly a message from God. He then went on to explain that both Christian and Muslim beliefs were similar. The king then offered the Muslim refuge land for as long as they needed it. -
Jan 1, 619
Abu Talib dies
Muhammad`s protector died. The persecutions became arguably worse following the death of his uncle -
Jan 1, 619
Khadija dies
Muhammad`s wife then passed away within the same year of his uncle. Khadija was one of the biggest supporters of Islam, this was hard on Muhammad. -
Jan 1, 621
Muhammad assent into mi`raj
Muhammad experienced a night journey and accent into mi`raj, which is also known as heaven. This night journey is known as both a spiritual and physical journey. This journey started when Muhammad was woken by an angel being seated on an al-buraq. Muhammad eventually stopped at the Temple Mount and was taken up to heaven. Muhammad then spoke to God. God mentioned to him that Muhammad`s followers should say formal prayers five time each day. Muhammad then ascended back to Mecca. -
Jan 1, 622
Migration to Madina
Muhammad along with a group of his followers left Mecca and traveled to Yathrib. They incited Muhammad to come live in their city as one of their leaders. The previous leaders of Yathrib had just suffered through the civil war, and they were struggling. Yathrib would eventually convert to Islam and would install the Islamic way of life in Yathrib. Yathrib would eventually be known as the City of the Prophet, or in other words Madina. Marina was known as the first Muslim community. -
Jan 1, 624
Battle of Badr
This battle took place in Western Arabia, which is currently known as Saudi Arabia. This is one of the few battles that is mentioned in the Qu`ran. This battle was the Muslims against that Meccans. The Muslims came out of this battle as being victorious. The Battle of Badr gave Muslims hope that they might eventually defeat their enemies. -
Jan 1, 625
Battle of Uhud
This was the second battle of both Muslims and Meccans. However this one the Meccans came out victorious. The Muslims made a mistake, which made them vulnerable for a sneak attack. The reasoning for this mistake was due to the fact that some soldiers did not obey Muhammad`s orders. During this fight a lot of Muslims were seriously injured, along with Muhammad being one of them. This war was an overall setback for Muslims. -
Jan 1, 627
Battle of the Trench
This battle was the final battle with the Muslims verses the Meccans. In the Battle of the Trench Muhammad followed the Arab customs. For this battle the Muslims decided to build a trench and attack from all different angles. The Muslims came out of the Battle of the Trench victorious. The Meccans lost their trade and their pride from losing this battle. -
Jan 1, 628
Treaty of Hudaybiyah
Muhammad and about 1,500 other Muslims set out for a journey to perform the umrah, which is a minor pilgrimage. Before entering Mecca Muhammad sent a messenger to the Meccans to let them know that they are not there to fight but they are they to perform a ritual. They did not get the permission that they needed to preform the ritual, however they came to an agreement. The agreement was called the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, which stated that they would postpone their pilgrimage for one year. -
Jan 1, 630
The Conquest of Mecca
Two years following the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, the treaty was broken. Some of the members that Muhammad was with were attacked and killed during what was suppose to be a "peaceful" pilgrimage. This is when the conquest of Mecca began, however it was not a bloodbath of a fight. Muhammad and his followers did not unleash violence on the Meccans, it was peaceful. In the end the Muslims were free to live and Mecca and were able to make their pilgrimages in peace. -
Jan 1, 632
Muhammad makes his last Hajj
Right before the death of Muhammad, he made a journey to the Hajj. At this Hajj he gave his Farewell Sermon on the Plain of Arafat. This Sermon is extremely significant to all Muslims. -
Jan 1, 632
Muhammad dies
Muhammad passed away, however he left a legacy behind.