
The life of Vladek

  • Vladek is born

    Vladek is born
    Vladek is born in Poland in 1906
  • Vladek and Anja meet.

    Vladek and Anja meet.
    Vladek is introduced to Anja by his cousin, not knowing the journey they would soon begin together.
  • Vladek and Anja get married

    Vladek and Anja get married
    Vladek and Anja are now married, though we do not see the wedding on the book and jave very few details abut it.
  • Richieu is born

    Richieu is born
    Richieu is born prematurely, and agin there is very little detail on the matter, even though Art never knew Richieu.
  • Vladek see's swastika for the first time

    Vladek see's swastika for the first time
    Vladek set's his eyes upon the swastika for the first time, unaware of the horrors it would soon cause him.
  • Vladek is drafted to german front

    Vladek is drafted to german front
    gaphic but realistic war footage Vladek is sent to the front against germany, and on september 1st 1939 the war began.
  • Vladek captured as P.O.W

    Vladek captured as P.O.W
    in the aftermath of the battle the nazi's vanquished the poll's and captured Vladek as a prisoner of war.
  • Vladek released from work and the the P.O.W camp

    Vladek released from work and the the P.O.W camp
    Vladek is rleased from the nazi captivity as a POW, though it could be considered more of an escape, he will now attempt to return to Anja and his family.
  • Vladek reaches Sosnowiec

    Vladek reaches Sosnowiec
    After much travel Vladek finally returns to sosnowiec, and to his family.
  • Jew's moved into the city's ghetto

    Jew's moved into the city's ghetto
    the jewish ghettos in poland all jews in sosnowiec are moved into a confined ghetto in which they have little food, and litle space o live, fortunatly Vladek and his family are wealthy so they had a bit more space than most.
  • Vladek's father is "deported"

    Vladek's father is "deported"
    the nazi's rounded up all of the senior jew's in the ghetto, and deported them, it is believed they were all put in a gas chamber.
  • Jew's of sosowiec moved to another smaller ghetto

    Jew's of sosowiec moved to another smaller ghetto
    The jew's of sosnowiec are moved o a much smaller ghetto and this time space is an issue for the spigleman's as teir family is quit large, though they are still slightly better off than most due to their remaining funds.
  • Anja's parents are killed

    Anja's parents are killed
    though their efforts to hide them the nazi's eventually uncovered the elder spiegleman's, and took them away, it is believed they also were put in a gas chamber.
  • Richieu is killed

    Richieu is killed
    After having sent him away to a man whom believed he could keep them safe along with several other children, they receive news tht hints Richieu's death.
  • sosnowiec ghetto liquidated

    sosnowiec ghetto liquidated
    liquidation of the ghetto (schindlers list) in 1944 the nazi's liquidated, or in other words emptied the ghetto of sosnowiec, this was done by eiher shipping them to conscentration camps, or or by killing a large amount of them, the rest were put on the trains.
  • Vladek and Anja are moved to auschwitz

    Vladek and Anja are moved to auschwitz
    a tour and explanation of auschwitz after an attempt to flee to hungary, Vladek and Anja were trapped into the hands of the nazi's and sent to auschwitz, the place they had heard of so much.
  • Auschwitz evacuated

    Auschwitz evacuated
    Germany at this point is starting to lose the war, and so the nazi's moved all they could from auschwitz and took those whom remained to Dachau, the first conscentration camp.
  • Dachau liberated

    Dachau liberated
    As the americans approach victory over the 3rd riech, the nazi's begin to panic and flee the camps, they intended to kill all the jews whom remained, however they prefered to ensure their safety and so left them free and alive.
  • Germany surrender's

    Germany surrender's
    german surrender The war, at least with the nazi's is over, Hitler is dead and the remainder of the german army has either fled or been killed trying to push the americans back all that remains to know is, what will Vladek and Anja do now?
  • vladek in US refugee camp

    vladek in US refugee camp
    Vladek finds himself in a Us refugee camp, he is allowed ot stay there granted he cleans cookes and helps keep the establishement clean.
  • vladek and anja move to sweden

    vladek and anja move to sweden
    vladek and anja move to sweden by plane to escape the horrible memories, and the still very large persicution towards the jews.
  • art spiegleman is born

    art spiegleman is born
    Vladek's son, and the author of this book is born.
  • anja's suicide

    anja's suicide
    after many years of depression and painful memories, anja finally gives in and end's her life, we know little of this event exept it's existance.
  • Father son reunion

    Father son reunion
    In 1978, art visits his father fo rthe first time in 2 years! He thne states that he wants o twrite a book about Vladek's experience during the war and haulacost.
  • vladek die's

    vladek die's
    vladek dies, we know not if it is from age or his heart condition.