The Modern and Contemporary age

  • 1469

    Isabel I and Fernando II got married

    Isabel I and Fernando II got married
  • Period: 1474 to 1476

    Battle of Toro

    Enrique IV died
    Between: Juana La Beltraneja and Isabel
    Victory of Isabel I
  • 1476

    Felipe V - Bourboun

    • Unify all the territories of Spain and centralised the power in the figure of the king.
    • Crown of Aragon suppress its laws and institutions.
    • Ended with the Cortes of Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia and Mallorca and their own laws.
    • Not annul the fueros and institutions of Navarre
    • Spanish as an unified language Ley Sálica to prevent women from inheriting the throne.
    • Returned to the throne until his death in 1746.
  • 1478


    Interrogated and punished people who weren't Christians
  • 1479

    Fernado II became king of Aragón

  • 1492


    Conquered Granada
  • 1492

    Start of the Modern Age

    Start of the Modern Age
  • 1492

    Reaching America

    Reaching America
    Christopher Columbus, reach Asia saling to the west.
    From the port of Palos de la Frontera to Bahamas. Years later Americo Vespucio showed it wasn´t Asia (America)
  • 1496


    Canary Islands, Kingdom of Nápoles and Melilla
  • 1512


    Kingdom of Navarra
  • 1514

    Carlos I

    Carlos I
    Educated in Flanders, grandson of the Catholic kings and the Emperor of Germany. He claimed the throne of Spain and ruled a great empire.
  • 1515

    Empire and Wars

    • Empire: Netherlans, Spain, Austria, the holy Roma, parts of Italy and overseas territories.
    • Wars: France, Turks, Lutherans
  • 1520


    -Revolt of Communities in Castile
    -Revolt of Germanias
  • 1521


    Hernán Cortés- Mexico
    Francisco Pizarro- Peru
  • 1571

    The Reign of Felipe II

    The Reign of Felipe II
    1. France conquered Turks in the Battle of Lepanto
    2. Netherlands revolted- Armada Invencible
    3. No Millitary prostige
    4. No €€€
  • Carlos I died

    Carlos I died
  • Period: to

    The War of Succession

    -Felipe de Anjou was proclaimed King of Spain as Felipe V by Charles II
    - Threat by European Powers, like England,
    Netherlands and the german powers,
    who proposed Carlos de Austria.
    -Spain, Castilla supported the French candidate
    -Aragon supported the German candidate.
    -Treaty of Utrecht
    -Spanish empire had to give part of their
    territories in Europe to Austria (Netherlands) and England (Gibraltar)
  • Fernando IV

    • Peace and stability
    • Wellbeing of his citizens
    • Until his death in 1759
  • Carlos III

    Carlos III
    • Most important monarchs of the Bourbon dynasty
    • Had been King of Naples and Sicily
    • Gain experience
    • Modernise Spain
    • Efficient ministers
    • Roads, education, agriculture, economy, industry and trade
    • He built public hospitals, rubbish collection and paved streets, among others.
  • Carlos IV

    • Political weakness
    • Manuel Godoy and growing internal instability
    • Abdication in 1808 during the Napoleonic invasion and the War of Independence