I get born!
Yay! I start existing here! -
I get a sister
Her name is Lyra. She can be very annoying. -
Start of Gilwern primary
We arrived by bike -
Period: to
Primary school 1 (Wales)
Gilwern primary school., where I stayed until year 2 -
Going to New Zealand
We did a bit of travelling in the months before this, but I think this was the final journey -
Start of Maori Hill school
Yay! I also started learning trumpet around this time, but I can't find an exact date -
Period: to
Primary school 2 (New Zealand)
Maori Hill primary school! -
I break my arm!
It was a teacher only day and I was riding a bike. -
Period: to
Balmacewen intermediate
Year 7 was great, year 8 not so much -
Lyra gets a rabbit
She is a dutch rabbit named Teeky! -
Sister gets a new rabbit
She is called Aurora. Teeky died a while before this, but I can't work out when. -
LPHS Start
Yay! -
Sister gets a friend for Aurora
He's called Sprite, and he's very good at escaping