Ian's WW1 timeline

  • People assassinated

    Both Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. This started the Austrians fighting the Serbians and started WW1. Archduke Ferdinand was the leader of Austria.
  • declared war

    Britain declared war on Germany. The US declares it's neutrality. Neutrality means that they don't take one or the other side.
  • The sinking of the Lusitania

    A German U-Boat (submarine) sinks Lusitania and it killed 1,201 people including 128 Americans. Woodrow Wilson sends four diplomatic protests to Germany. The US blames Germany.
  • Re-elected

    American voters re-elected Woodrow Wilson who had companied on the slogan "He has kept us out of war." At this time most Americans don't want to be in the war.
  • Telegram

    The British intercept a message talking about Germany and Mexico having a alliance. The message goes public and some Americans think we should be in the war.
  • US declared war on Germany

    The US declared war on Germany and joined other forces. This brings the US into WW1.
  • Here come the US troops

    The first American troops arrive in France. The US helped France and was getting closer to war.
  • an Act is on the loose

    The Sedition act is passed it made it against the law to be critical of the government, and it's part in WW1.
  • Agreement for the ages

    An agreement was signed between Germany and the allies to end WW1. That means Americans will come home from the war.
  • WW1 Is officially over!

    Peace treaty was signed to officially end WW1. The treaty said that Germany was responsible for starting WW1 and made them pay money and give up land.