unit 1

  • steam engine

    The steam engine resulted in the creation of semi-automated factories, and it increased goods production in places where water power was not available.
  • industrial revolution

    The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system
  • cottage gin

    a machine that revolutionized the production of cotton by greatly speeding up the process of removing seeds from cotton fiber.
  • water loom

    In 1785 Edmund Cartwright patented a power loom which used water power to speed up the weaving process, the predecessor to the modern power loom.
  • industrialization spread to Belgium

    It is commonly accepted that the Industrial Revolution was brought from Britain to Belgium by two British manufacturers, William and John Cockerill, who settled in Liège in 1807 and founded a business producing industrial machinery and iron.
  • industrialization of Germany

    Industrialization in Germany was the phase of the breakthrough of industrialization in Germany, beginning at the time from around 1815 to 1835. This period was preceded by the periods of pre-industrialization and early industrialization.
  • industrial factories

    Forms of extreme child labor existed throughout American history until the 1930s. In particular, child labor was rife during the American Industrial Revolution (1820-1870). Industrialization attracted workers and their families from farms and rural areas into urban areas and factory work.
  • industrialization spread to France

    After almost two decades and a half of revolution and revolutionary warfare, French industry had quite some difficulty competing with British industry.
  • railroad from manchester to Liverpool

    Passengers and goods could now travel between Liverpool and Manchester quicker than ever before, boosting trade and industry.
  • japanese industrialization

    The rapid industrialization that Japan achieved from the middle of the 19th century to the early 20th century was founded on iron and steel, shipbuilding and coal mining, particularly to meet defence needs.
  • 2nd industrial revolution

    The second Industrial Revolution is usually dated between 1870 and 1914, although a number of its char- acteristic events can be dated to the 1850s. It is, however, clear that the rapid rate of pathbreaking inventions (macroinventions) slowed down after 1825, and picked up steam again in the last third of the century.
  • industrialization fails in Egypt

    In Egypt, the insufficient infrastructure made it challenging to transport raw materials and finished goods, resulting in increased costs and decreased competitiveness. 2. Limited Access to Capital: Another significant factor that hindered industrialization in Egypt was the limited access to capital.