Tron 2.0
Played this with my dad. Mainly just him playing with me on the keyboard. Image --v
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0208650/mediaviewer/rm3290377217/?ref_=tt_ov_i -
Wii : Sport
Playing this as a family was always a super fun experience. The bonding, the fighting and the 'hah my little brother is too close to the senser, therefore I'm going to win' and proceed to win. Image --v
https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2021/12/29/wii-sports-button-1640813958763.jpg -
Lego Star Wars
Once again, playing with my brother was a (mostly) fun experience Image --v
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71AmDUsG2EL.jpg -
Playing Spore made me realize how much i enjoyed creating creatures. It kick started my love for customizable characters/creatures -
Rayman 2
Mainly played this with my brother -
Tron: Evolution
I can't really remember much about this game apart from playing it with my brother and my love for the light cycles. -
Playing Skylanders with my brother was a (mostly) fun experience. -
Dragon Age 2
Ahh. This was the very start of my love for Dragon Age and heavy story based games -
Sonic Unleashed
I've been a sorta fan of Sonic but i really enjoyed the "Werehog" aspect of the game -
Lego: Lord of the Rings
Playing with brother -
Mass Effect 2 - 3
The second game was my first love for Sci-Fi. Then the third game came out and it too became my love. Especially with the storyline and Commander Shepard. -
Dragon Age Inquisition
Dragon Age Inquisition is one of my absolute favorite video games. from the story to the writing, it is a very big inspiration to both my ideas and artworks. I've played many hours in DA:I, and have each time thoroughly enjoyed my gameplay. -
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
I mean, you can't be a fantasy gamer fan WITHOUT playing Skyrim. It's a game that keeps giving, with its stories, random glitches and "I was a adventure once. Then i got a arrow in the knee". -
Dragon's Dogma
Only really played the first section of the game. I really enjoyed the giant dragon stealing your heart but after than i lost interest -
The Witcher 3
Originally bought the game for my Dad as a present as he is a Witcher fan and was raving about this game. He still hasn't played it to this day but i have. many times. The story, art style, choices and even the graphics were and are still amazing. -
I played this as a more casual "I'm bored' game. although i did get some pretty cool high scores. -
Mass Effect Andromeda
It was fun. Definitely not as good as the original games, but i definitely enjoyed it. The combat mainly was my main source of enjoyment, even though the story did lack. -
Assassin's Creed Origins
Assassin's Creed Origins was my first game i played properly in the Creed series. I loved being in ancient Egypt and playing as a cool political bodyguard/assassin/avenger guy. -
Cyberpunk 2077
At first yes, the crashes, bugs, random glitches and storyline stoppers were incredibly frustrating. I did enjoy the game. But obviously when the DLC was released and most of the bugs were (finally) ironed out. It was a super fun game. The storyline, graphics, super fun car races and random GTA situations were a lot of fun and it is definitely a game i have played at least 3 times through. -
Century: Age of Ashes
Another game where i went "ooo i like dragons, and I'm bored. Why not?". -
Elden Ring (Attempt/s)
Downloaded it. Died many times. Deleted. Repeat. Expect now i have discovered mods and made it easier for myself. -
Ark: Survival Evolved
Mainly played it with a family friend. Also discovered i have a weird talent for taming creatures in the game but not the combat. RIP the numerous deaths and the friend having to carry me. -
Mass Effect 1- Andromeda
I went ahead and played each game through at least twice. Whilst my opinion didn't change much from the first 3 games. It did for Andromeda. It went from a super buggy and boring game to a mostly boring game with some enjoyable moments. -
Baldur's Gate 3
At first i wasn't interested. Didn't like Turn based games "i find them so boring and slow. Gimme a real game any day". Then i saw a funny video. Parents bought it as a birthday present. Then i ended up with at least 8 complete playthroughs in a matter of 8 months.
The story i really enjoyed but also the companions and their individual quests and ideals. -
Hogwarts Legacy
I got it. Played it once. enjoyed it. Deleted it. Nothing else really to say. -
Once Human
I enjoyed it. I really liked the twist on the apocalyptic survival side. I really enjoyed the creature design and the bosses. Each boss felt like i was playing a Dark Souls games but if it online.
Combat was also enjoyable but could get a little repeative. -
Helldivers 2
My Brother got this as a birthday present because he wanted me to play with him. i enjoyed it but don't play it by myself. Plus those damned Automatons always got me. -
Dragon Age: Veilguard
DA:VG was definitely a lot of fun. The combat is absolutely the best in the series in my opinion and whilst there isn't a lot of choices and certain ideals are forced down your throat. There were a few times where i genuinely cried or was surprised.