Ain't I a Woman? - Sojourner Truth
This speech from Sojourner Truth tells us the need for equal rights for women even if they are either black or white, we need equal rights just like the men. -
Lucy Stone
Lucy Stone was the first woman to earn a a college degree. In 1850 Lucy organized the first national Women's rights Convention in Worcester, Massachusetts. -
Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony has paved the way for the Women's Rights movement in 1892 through 1900 by giving speeches and making petitions. -
The story of an hour - Kate Chopin
The story of an hour is about how this Women who finds out about the news that her husband has died in a train accident. She feels sorrow and pain however she realizes that she finally has freedom, which feels like a dream to her but shortly after that dream gets taken away from her. -
A Jury of her peers - Susan Glaspell
This story that was set in the early 20th century, explores themes like gender roles, Justice, and empathy. -
1920 - Ratification of the 19th Amendment
In the U.S, the 19th Amendment granted woman to have the right to vote. -
Delores Huerta
Delores Huerta played a crucial role as one of the few leaders to advocate for women laborers. -
Betty Friedan
Betty Friedan is a feminist writer and activist who wrote, "The feminine Mystique". the novel explores how frustrating women are labeled to traditional domestic roles and the myth of "the happy housewife". -
Equal pay act
President John F. Kennedy signs into law the Equal pay Act, prohibiting sex- based wage discrimination between men and women working that same job in the same workplace. -
Testimony Before Senate - Gloria Steinem
Gloria Steinem stood in front of the Senate and gave her testimony about the need for equality while also providing personal experiences and disproving myths. -
Presidential announcement - Shirley Chisholm
Shirley Chisholm is the first Black Women to run for president. Her Speech expresses how determined she is to be a voice for the Americans who feel voiceless or overlooked. She was determined to break the barriers and advocate for the overlooked. -
Roe v. wade
The U.S Court declares that the constitution protects a woman's legal right to an abortion. -
Jan. 24, 2013
The U.S military removes a ban against women serving in direct group combat positions. -
Mala Yousafzai
Mala Yousafzai is a human rights activist who fought for the rights of girls education despite the fact the Taliban had imposed restrictions on female education. -
Barbie Monologue - America Ferrera
Gloria (America Ferrera) has a very moving scene in the movie barbie that perfectly explains what it is like to be a woman in today's society.