Elizabeth Cady Stanton Birth
She was born in Johnstown, New york. Her father was a lawyer and Elizabeth gained an informal legal education. She married Henry Stanton and eventually she also become an activist during the anti-slavery movement. When she met Lucretia Mott, they both agreed to call a women's rights convention. -
Susan B Anthony birth
Susan B Anthony was a major figure in the Womens Rights movement. She was born in massachusetts. During her life, she fought for women's equality and this belief led her throughout her life. -
Seneca Falls Convention
The first womens rights convention. 300 people attended. 68 women and 32 men signed the declaration of sentiments. -
Womens Suffrage association
Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton creathed this association. It helped to coordinate the national suffrage movement. Eventually, they teamed with the american Women suffrage association to form the national american woman suffrage association. -
First womens Suffrage law in wyoming
Wyoming legislature passes America's first woman suffrage law. This granted women the right to vote and hold office. They were the first state to allow general Women's suffrage. -
First Congress woman
Jeanette Rankin is the first woman to be elected into Congress. She was a long time activist. She helped to fight for women's suffrage. -
Ratification of the 19th amendment
This amendment declares that the citizens right to vote shall not be denied by anyone on account of gender. Women gain the right to vote. -
Alaska equal rights act
This act was the first of its kind and was created in Alaska to help end discrimination against Alaskan natives and non-white residents. Even though this is more of a civil rights act, it was brought up by a woman named Elizabeth Petrovich, the president of the Alaska Native Sisterhood. -
Equal Pay Act
This act was created to stop businesses from paying employees differently based solely on their gender. Signed in by JFK. This made it so women had equal pay to men and they wouldn't be in as much poverty as before. -
National Organization for Women is formed
NOW is an organization to help promote feminist ideals, and lead societal change. They also work to help eliminate discrimination and protect the rights of all women and girls in any aspect. Betty Friedan helped to form NOW. -
First women in Supreme Court
Sandra Day O'connor is the first women in the supreme court. She was nominated by Ronald Reagan. She served 24 years in the Court and retired in 2006. She was an attorney before being in the Supreme Court. -
Violence against Womens act
This act was created as part of the violent crime control and law enforcement act. It also helped provide funding for programs that help victims of violence, rape, sexual assault, stalking, and other gender-related violence. Bill Clinton passed this act. -
Women can serve in direct combat positions
The US military removed a ban against women that banned them from serving in direct combat. Before this, women could only be member of the military. women were only allowed to serve in nurse positions during peacetime, but once the fighting stopped, any women who fought, had to step down. -
Kamala Harris sworn in as first female VP
Before becoming VP, she served as Californias attorney general and was elected into Senate in 2016. In 2020, she joined Joe Biden as his VP, and they were both elected. She ran for president in 2024, but lost the race to Donald Trump.