World War I Timeline

  • Archduke Assassination

    Archduke Assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are visiting Sarajevo in Bosnia when bomb is thrown at their car but misses. They are shot and killed not much later by an assassin. The assassin was thought be a Serbian nationalist which made the Austrians target their hatred toward Serbia.
  • The Siege of Liege

    The Siege of Liege
    Great Britain declares war on Germany while the US declares it's neutrality. This is also the start of attacks that Germany would launch against the Belgian fortress city only to be met by Belgian troops inside Liege Forts. This would go on for a couple weeks.
  • Death of the Lusitania

    Death of the Lusitania
    Germany launches a torpedo from their U-Boat at the British passenger ship the Lusitania. It sunk very quickly killing 1,201 people (128 who were Americans). This angered the US and also made President Wilson send diplomatic protests to Germany.
  • The Election

    The Election
    Americans re-elect President Wilson who went by slogan, "He kept us out of war."
  • Intercepted Telegram

    Intercepted Telegram
    The British intercept a telegram that was sent by Alfred Zimmerman who was in the German Foreign Office. The message talked about plans for Germany to form and alliance with Mexico to go against the US. Germany would support Mexico in the war while Mexico would expand into the American Southwest to get their land back.
  • America Steps In

    America Steps In
    The US finally declares war on Germany.
  • Army Arrival

    Army Arrival
    The day that the first American troops landed in France.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    President Wilson signed the Sedition Act of 1918 in response to the US entering WWI. The act made it illegal to speak negatively about the US government and their war efforts.
  • The Power of The Armistice

    The Power of The Armistice
    The Germans signed the Armistice at 5:10 am in a railway car in France. It's effective at 11 am. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Fighting continues until 11 am. There were 2,000 causalities
  • Versailles Treaty

    Versailles Treaty
    Germany signs a 230 treaty that formally ends the war.