Adolf Hitler Appointed Chanceilor of Germany.
Period: to
World War II - Holocaust
Reichstag fire.
Nazis unleash terror to ensure election results. -
First concentration camp
First concentration camp - Dachau - established. -
Enabling Act.
Enabling Act - Suspending civil liberties - passed by Nazi - dominated Reichstag -
Boycot of Jewish shops and businesses.
Boycott of Jewish shops and business. Jewish professionals barred from entering office. -
First anti-Jewish decree.
The Law for the reestablishment of the Civil Service. -
Ritual slaughter prohibited.
Ritual slaughter of animals in accordance with Jewish dietary laws prohibited in Germany. -
Gestapo established.
Universities and the arts are "cleansd" of Jewish influence.
Universities and the arts are "cleansd" of Jewish influence. Jewish professers expelled. Jewish writers and artists prohibited from practicing their professions. -
Jewish organizations in America and Western Europe protest Nazi persecution of the Jews.
Jewish organizations in America and Western Europe protest Nazi persecution of the Jews. A few call for a boycott of Nazi Germany. -
Germany leaves the League of Nations
"Night of the Long Knives"
Nazis Purge leadershio of Storm Troopers (SA) and opponents of Nazism. -
Hitler becomes president.
Hitler named president and commander-in-chief of the armed forces following the death of Von Hindenburg. -
Germany renews conscription, in violation of Versailles treaty.
Jews barred from serving in German armed forces.
"Nuernberg Laws"
Anti-Jewish racial laws enacted. Jews could no longer be German citizens, marry Aryans, fly the German flag, and hire German maids under the age of forty-five. -
Germany defines Jews:
Germany defines Jews: Anyone with three Jewish grandparents; someone with two Jewish grandparents who identifies as a Jew. -
David Frankfurter
David Frankfurter, young Jewish student, assassinates Wilhelm Gustloff, leader of Nazi party, in Switzerland. -
Jewish doctors barred
Jewish doctors barred from practicing medicine in government institutions. -
Germans march into the Rhineland
Germans march into the Rhineland which had been demilitarized according to treaty. -
Ethiopia occupied by Italy.
Himmler appointed Chief of German police.
Spanish Civil War
Germans and Italians join Franco's forces in Spanish Civil War -
Hitler and Mussoloni form Rome-Berlin Axis.
Buchenwald concentration camp opens.
annexation of Austria by Germany; all German anto-Semetic decrees immediately applied in Austria. -
Jews in Reich must register all property with authorities.
Office of Jewish Emigration
Adolf Eichaman established Office of Jewish Emigration to speed up pace of forced emigration. -
Name changes revoked
Decrees revoke all name changes by Jews and force those Jews who did not have names recognized as Jewish by German authorities to add "Israel" (for males) and "sarah" (for females) as middle names. -
Munich Confrence
England and France aggree to turn over Sudetenland (part of Czechoslovakia) to germany. -
Jewish passports marked,
Following requests by the Swiss authorities, Germans order all jews' passports marked with a large red "J" to prevent Jews from smuggling themselves into the Switzerland. -
Jews expelled
Jews with Polosh citizenship living in Germany are expelled to Polish border> poles refuse to admit them. Germans refuse to allow them back into Germany. - 17,000 stranded in frontier town of Zbasyn -
Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) : anti-Jewish pogrom in Germany and Austria. Two hundred synagogues destroyed. 7,500 Jewish shops looted and 30,000 male Jews sent to concentration camps. (Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen). -
Business Transfers
Decree forcing all Jews to transfer retail businesses to Aryan hands. -
All Jewish pupils expelled from German schools.
Reichstag speech
Hitler threatens in Reichstag speech that if war erupts it will mean the Vernichtung (extermination) of European Jews. -
Nazis occupy part of Czechoslovakia
Nazis occupy part of Czechoslovakia (Bohemia and Moravia) ; make Slovakia independant satellite state. -
Germans occupy port of Memel
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pack Signed:
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pack Signed: nonagression pact between Russia and Germany. -
Beginning of World War II:
Beginning of World War II: Germany invades Poland. -
Russia invades Eastern Poland
Ghettos established
Heydrich issues directives to establish ghettos in German-occupied Poland. -
Jews forced to wear distinguishing badge
Jews in German-occupied Poland forced to wear distinguishing badge. -
Firts Polish Ghetto
First ghetto in Poland established in Protrokow. -
Germans occupy Denmark and Southern Norway.
Concentration Camp at Auschwitz,
Himmler Issues directive to establish a concentration camp at Auschwitz. -
Lodz ghetto closed off:
Lodz ghetto closed off: approximately 165,000 inhabitants in 1.6 square miles. -
Germany invades Holland, Belgium, and France.
Concentration camp established at Auschwitz
France surrenders to Nazis
Battle of Britain begins
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.
Warsaw Ghetto sealed off...
Approximatately 500,000 inhabitants. -
Hungary, Rumania, and Slovakia join Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.
Anti-Jewish Riots in Rumania
Anti-Jewish Riots in Rumania by Iron Guard: hundreds of JEws cruelly buthchered. -
Adolf Eichmann appointed head of Gestapo section for Jewish affairs
Germany occupies Greece and Yugolsavia
Vichey government makes laws
Vichey government deprives Jews of French North Africa of their rights as citizens. -
Germany invades the Soviet Union.
Nazi Einsatzgruppen
Nazi Einsatzgruppen (special mobile killing units) carry out mass murder of Jews in areas of Soviet Union occupied by German army. -
Heydrich appointed
Heydrich appointed by Goering as responsible for implementation of Final Solution. -
Jews and the yellow star
Jews in the Third Reich obligated to wear yellow star of David as distinguished mark. -
Massacre at Babi Yar
Massacre of Jews at Babi Yar - ravine outside of Kiev: 34,000 murdered -
Establishment of Birkenau:
Establishment of Birkenau camp: site of mass extermination of Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Russians, and others. -
Murder of 19,000 Jews in Odessa
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Chelmo extermination,
Chelmo extermination camp begins operation: 340,000 Jews, 20,000 Poles and Czechs liquidated there by April 1943 -
Jewish underground formed:
Jewish underground organizations established in Vilna Ghetto and Kovno Ghetto. -
Wannsee Conference
Wannsee Conference: Heydrich reveals official plan to murder all Jews on European continent. -
Extermination by gas
Extermination by gas begins in Sobibor Extermination camp: by October 1943 250,000 Jews murdered. -
Belzec extermination camp
Extermination begins in Belzec extermination camp: by end of 1942 600,000 Jews murdered. -
Deportations to Auschwitz extermination camp begins.
Treblinka exterminations begin
Treblinka extermination camp begins operation by August 1943- 700,000 Jews murdered -
Jewish partisans
Jewish partisan unit established in forests of Belorussia. -
All Jewish schools in Germany closed.
Deprtation of Jews
Deprtation of Jews to from Holland, Poland, France, Belgium, Croatia. Armed resistance by jews in ghettos of Kletzk, Wieswiez, Mir, Lackwa, Krements, and Tuchin. -
Jewish fighting organization
Jewish fighting organization (ZOB) established in Warsaw Ghetto. -
Allied forces land in North Africa.
Deportation of Jews from Norway...
Deportation of Jews from Norway, Germany, and Greece to extermination camps. Jewish partisan movment organized in forests near Lublin. -
Germans attmept to liquidate Warsaw Ghetto
Germans attmept to liquidate Jews in Warsaw Ghetto; armed resistance by ghetto inhabitants. -
German advance in Russia stopped at Stalingrad.
Liquidation of Cracow ghetto.
Warsaw ghetto revolt
Warsaw ghetto revolt begins as Germans attempt to liquidate 70,000 ghetto inhabitants; Jewish underground fights Nazis until early June. -
Himler orders liquidation
Himler orders the liquidation of all the ghettos in Poland and the Soviet Union. -
Armed resistence
Armed resistence by Jews in Czetoschowa, Lvov, Bedzin, Bialystock, and Tarnow ghettos -
Armed revolt inTreblinka extermination camp.
Liquidation of large ghettos
Liquidation of large ghettos. Minck, Vilna, Riga. -
Armed revolt in Sobibor extermination camp.
Germany occupies Hungary
Red Army repels Nazi forces
Nazis continue deportation
Nazis begin deporting Hungarian Jews. By June 27, 38,000 sent to Auschwitz. -
Allied invasion of Normandy
Assasination attempt on Hitler
Group of German officers attempts to assassinate Hitler -
Russian liberation
Russians liberate Maidanek extermination camps. -
Liquidation of ghettos
Liquidation of ghettos in Kovino (Kaunas), Shavli (Siauliai), and Lodz; inmates sent to concentration and extermination camps. -
Revolt by inmates in Auschwitz.
Revolt by inmates in Auschwitz; one crematorium blown up. -
Remnants of Slovakian Jews deported to Auschwitz.
Last deportations.
Last Jews deported from Theresienstadt model ghetto to Auschwitz. -
Death March
Begining of death march of approximately 40,000 Jews from Budapest to Austria. -
Evacuation of Auschwitz
Evacuation of Auschwitz: begining of death march of camp inmates. -
Begining of death march of inmates of Stutthof.
Red Army enters Germany,
Red Army enters Germany from east; allies enter from west. -
Death march of inmates at Buchenwald.
Hitler commits suicide.
Germany surrenders; end of Third Reich